Hi all, I’m posting on behalf of my 20 year old son who has just had a circumcision for phimosis which he is now 4 days post surgery. He’s in a panic as he says the sensation isn’t the same as before the operation and is scared it will remain like that forever. He’s got the usual soreness that comes with surgery but I can see the worry in his face so was wondering if others experienced similar early on in their recovery before things returned to normal. Thank you.
Sensation loss after circumcision - Men's Health Foru...
Sensation loss after circumcision
Yes the sensation will feel different as his glans is now exposed all the time & it will dry out & the surface of his glans will become slightly thicker & it will lose some of its sensitivity just the same as every other guy that is circumcised, but this is nothing to worry about at all…..tell him to use some lube for masturbation & here is the big plus… his partner will love the fact that he is circumcised because sex will last so much longer…… tell him to stop worrying it will be all good… I had to be circumcised at age 64 & I love it & so does my wife 👍
Less sensation doesn't automatically mean more control. Frisch 2011, Tang & Khoo 2011, Denniston 2004, and O'Hara & O'Hara 2002 all found that circumcised men were *more* likely to suffer from PE.
If you and your wife are happy, that's great, but plenty of men and their partners are unhappy with the results of adult circumcision.
Yep, agree with what Stones has said. I'm c.3 months after my op and I still get caught out from time to time with different sensations, e.g. button fly jeans aren't always my friend when going to the bathroom or my wife is a little rough with it (worse problems to have!). The first week or two are pretty challenging and I can totally appreciate that your son would be having doubts or questions but once it starts healing properly things improve dramatically. Tell him to look forward to the 6 to 8 week mark when he can start exploring it in a fun way (with lube as Stones mentions) and he will soon find that it's just as fun if not more fun than it was before.
It will differ from person to person. For me personally the sensation has changed, I had a circumcision a few years ago now and I don't get the same pleasure I used to. That's not to say it isn't pleasurable because it is, the sensation just isn't so intense. But to counteract this sex lasts much longer which is good. On the flip side I've heard others say sex is better after the op so tell him not to stress, its still early days for him so it will feel odd anyway.
First few weeks were bad for me, had to stay home one week and wrap tp around it in my underwear for another week because I had to get back to my obligations and it was very sensitive. It was hard because I had phimosis so the exposed glans was extremely sensitive after and I was praying to god for it to lose a little sensation so that whenever fabric brushed it I wouldn't be in discomfort. Obviously the head may feel a little different, more sensitive because the glans is exposed but tell him not to worry because your body gets used to your glans being exposed and soon will feel normal again. In the meantime get some modal briefs for him (softest fabric and most supportive underwear) and be supportive, because he is going through a lot.
Thank you all so much for your responses they are very much appreciated and have put his mind at rest. I think he was surprised by the psychological impact it had on him immediately after the surgery but is something a consultant/surgeon doesn’t really discuss. Although having phimosis really left him with little choice, I suppose it was saying goodbye to a part of his body that had been with him for 20 years. Sounds like, although things will be different for him, all is definitely not lost and he has lots to look forward to once he’s fully healed. Thank you all again 😄
Glad to help 😃👍
I underwent the same surgery a year ago. Unfortunately , the old sensation wont return . I had the same panic , but then you have no choice but to endure and learn to live with the new condition. To be honest at first I thought its the numbness from the surgery and it will go away. But it is what u feel like without foreskin. It contain most of the neural endings which are responsible for the sensations, and now its gone. The remaining glans is different . It only feels pressure and rubbing. To be honest its really difficult to explain unless you experience it yourself.
This is completely normal i was 23 when I got circumcised I’m now 28 and I’ve got most of my sensitivity back either that or my brains forgot what sensitivity used to be like before circumcision. They say it will settle in 6-8 weeks but for such a small body part it’s been through a lot I found it took 12 months to fully settle down and I got my sensitivity back and my scars were nearly invisible. Show him this post and tell him he’s not alone and not to worry everything will be good with time 😃
Same here... I did my circumcision 4 month ago and i lost the sensitivity... But i can fell little bit sensitivity
How are things for your son a year later? Did he try alternatives to circumcision first btw?