2 week post op circumcision - Men's Health Foru...

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2 week post op circumcision

kdrbz profile image
34 Replies

scab on penis, near the hole and on the tip, is this normal ? i have been bathing and stuff but they should fall off right? and when will the swelling go down underneath the penis… i cannot sleep properly and am in a lot of pain

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kdrbz profile image
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34 Replies
Acer4life profile image

I’m going thorough the exact same thing, can anyone help us??

kdrbz profile image
kdrbz in reply to Acer4life

how bad is your sleeping? do you feel you get 0 hours :( it’s horrible ain’t it

Acer4life profile image
Acer4life in reply to kdrbz

My sleep has actually improved significantly. The pain has stopped as well. I simply used antibiotic cream and a gauze with Vaseline for 3 days straight and the pain and discharge stopped. I took antibiotic tablets as well. My only problem is the swelling and the itchiness on the frenulum. But it looks to be getting better. Just ask your surgeon and they’ll advise you accordingly. Hold on there. I’m actually on my 11th day now and this is when I’m actually starting to feel better. Also, try putting Vaseline around the wound after washing. It helps healing. And as for sleeping, try sleeping facing up and with your dick facing the navel. It helps with the swelling and pain.

kdrbz profile image
kdrbz in reply to Acer4life

damn can you add me on any socials ?? my snapchat is k-drbz i’m too scared to apply any of this and it’s why i don’t do it urgh i just wanna be better dude

kdrbz profile image
kdrbz in reply to Acer4life

if i try lean the penis backwards towards the navel it hurts even more i’m sick of it 😭

Ocean-finance profile image
Ocean-finance in reply to kdrbz

That is sensitivity brother trust me it will get better you’ll get there man.

I had phimosis never was able to retract I had a very sensitive head now it’s not soo bad.

Pariraj profile image
Pariraj in reply to Ocean-finance

Can you tell me about when were you able to wear clothes comfortably?? When did the sensitivity decrease??

ThisIsMeD profile image

Same with me. Skin growth on my Ring completely on the left side, and 1-2 pins hurt so much on the frenulum. 17 days post my surgery. The ring does not look in the mood to come out

Ocean-finance profile image
Ocean-finance in reply to ThisIsMeD

Frenulum takes longer to heal and may feel tender for a good few weeks if you really can’t cope applying a non stick gauze with Vaseline will really help cushion it then applying some bandage over it with medical tape you don’t need to cover all of the glans just enough to hold the gauze to protect the frenulum area change the bandage and gauze 2 times a day avoid getting pee in it and keep it clean and dry. Remember when you can once you are healed enough all wounds closed up start moisturising then glans keep the sensations in your glans keep it soft but it’s totally up to you it’s your choice.

ThisIsMeD profile image
ThisIsMeD in reply to Ocean-finance

Thanks for the reply. Actually my frenulum does not hurt at all. Its just those pokey pins. After 3.5 weeks, a little part of my Rings is loosening. No pins have yet fallen out. Consulted 2 doctors, both say its fine. Hopefully all gets well as I dont have any option but to wait and watch.

hashy558 profile image

You should consult the doc in such case, use coconut oil this really helps in healing.

HolyMo profile image

I'm nearly 3 weeks post op. I had the same scab, it's gone now. Pain, swelling and sensitivity had subdued significantly. Nowhere fully healed but a lot better than the first 14 days, they were the toughest. Bear with it, time does heal. But if in doubt give the GP a shout.

Ocean-finance profile image

Hi man, swelling does not have a time scale as everyone is different but it can take weeks to months. Placing the penis vertically will help this. Also washing it daily and drying it if you are struggling to sleep placing Vaseline to cushion the penis and applying bandages will help you sleep until your penis is healed enough ready to rub it against your underwear. If it’s sensitivity issues you can lightly tap a clean towel against the head of the penis. Getting your penis used to cotton underwear will sort you right out.

The scab don’t pick at it etc allow yourself body to do the healing etc it needs don’t interfere just keep it clean and dry using a hair dryer is great. Using warm salt water in a jug will really help you out also.

Best wishes on a full steady recovery

kdrbz profile image
kdrbz in reply to Ocean-finance

thank you lots man, i’m so scared of it… even touching a single thing, does salt water hurt the penis when placed inside it? or is it just the same as normal water but helps it 10 times more ?

Ocean-finance profile image
Ocean-finance in reply to kdrbz

Salt water shouldn’t hurt

kdrbz profile image
kdrbz in reply to Ocean-finance

i bought some product to come in a few days, but that’s until the 17th, will salt water reduce swelling?

Ocean-finance profile image
Ocean-finance in reply to kdrbz

To reduce swelling place the penis virtually you help drain the lymph etc away. Keep the penis clean dry and try not to mess with your penis pee wash dry then allow the healing etc to kick in and you’ll be sweet man. Don’t attempt any sexual desires to your penis yet wait a minimum of 8-9 weeks before trying anything some say you can stimulate the glans etc but I would advise you not too as in doing so you are bound to want to do more than run your glans etc which can cause issues delays and possible trauma. You’ve got this man keep it up keep it clean and dry this is a priority and warm clean water with salt water is great daily. If you bath before you get out just pour the jug full of salt water then a quick fresh warm water over the penis jump out dry yourself etc. Try to avoid using any soaps etc shower gels in that area baby wipes can help you soon you can use non fragrance soaps once your wounds heal fully. Some stuff can delay the healing process but Vaseline is your best friend if you have some. If you struggle to apply normal Vaseline get yourself some lip Vaseline in a small tin I still use them now for my pee hole slit after showers they offer great consistency and easier to apply rather than normal Vaseline which can be challenging

Ocean-finance profile image
Ocean-finance in reply to Ocean-finance

Try to avoid morning glory too if you can waking yourself up at 04:00 am going for a pee then back to bed can help reduce them. Try not to drink straight before going to sleep. I did this for the first week or so. You can use a gel ice pack to help stop erections but place something around the towel do not apply directly on the skin.

I would say only use a gel ice pack as a last resort if your erection is really causing you pain but genuinely do let your penis do whatever just remember to keep it clean and try not to restrict it. If it’s your first week or two then use a gel ice pack to avoid breaking the stitches

kdrbz profile image
kdrbz in reply to Ocean-finance

erections do not even hurt me anymore it’s just it’s bigger and easier for it to touch other things, that’s the only bad thing, i’m way too scared for any vaseline near the hole i think it would hurt so so bad :( i’m gonna try salt water soon, do you know how much salt?

Ocean-finance profile image
Ocean-finance in reply to kdrbz

Get a jug and just put la few table spoons in it . For the bath just put the bath water enough to fully submerge the penis and just add enough to the bath don’t fill the bath all the way though or you’ll be using lots of salt. Unfortunately you will have to get used to touching it but don’t rush if you don’t want to but it’s best to try to start applying Vaseline especially in the early days and weeks you’ve gotta reduce the sensitivity so when you start wearing underwear your glans won’t cause you soo much agg but you’ve got this man. When you pee also use a clean soft cotton hand towel get the corner wet and dab it on the pee hole slit to keep it clean but also get the penis used to touch then when you se fully healed you can enjoy your glans and get crazy pleasure out of it just remember keep it moisturised daily when you are fully healed and use lube

kdrbz profile image
kdrbz in reply to Ocean-finance

i’m so scared of applying vaseline anywhere man i can’t do this shit i’m so so scared please help me man i’m so fucking scared 😭😭😭

Ocean-finance profile image
Ocean-finance in reply to kdrbz

Hi man, what’s making you feel scared or uncomfortable about applying it. Is the glans causing you sensitivity issues or are you just concerned you may mess up or hurt yourself. Get yourself some lip Vaseline which is a far better consistency and makes it easier to apply. Apply directly after showering the the warm glans can help with applying It

kdrbz profile image
kdrbz in reply to Ocean-finance

it’s the pain i’m scared of :/ where should i apply it too? and i have a little tub of vaseline wil that do ?

Ocean-finance profile image
Ocean-finance in reply to kdrbz

Give it a try and apply it to the glans the incision area and inner skin if you can main areas to apply is the incision and frenulum area. But try to apply some to the glans too it’s going to help you’ve got to break that sensitivity barrier

kdrbz profile image
kdrbz in reply to Ocean-finance

can i not just wait the barrier out? with no pain? i successfully pulled out 3 stitches today in my bath and i have done on other days, i loved it and i felt stronger in general

Ocean-finance profile image
Ocean-finance in reply to kdrbz

Please do not pull stitches out ohh Lordy.

kdrbz profile image
kdrbz in reply to Ocean-finance

it was painless and i’m 3 weeks in lol what’s the problem

Ocean-finance profile image
Ocean-finance in reply to kdrbz

The problem is you should not be pulling out stitches they should fall out naturally

kdrbz profile image
kdrbz in reply to Ocean-finance

the ridge of my penis the edge like just above the shaft, is purple and then the head is pink coloured is that normal? and yea i know but i pulled them off without pain i think it helped

Ocean-finance profile image
Ocean-finance in reply to kdrbz

It’s sounds like bruising don’t panic. But most of the bruising should of settled as you are on your third week. Just stop messing with it especially pulling out stitches just really isn’t good. Just leave your penis to naturally heal all you got to do is make sure it’s clean dry and maintained applying Vaseline etc soon you can apply aqua creams etc bio oil. Just take it easy brother. Just try not to interfere with it

kdrbz profile image
kdrbz in reply to Ocean-finance

thank you man , i think i’m kinda a week behind since i kept my bandage on for a whole week n didn’t wash it so it set me back on healing… but i wash it twice a day and dry it too

Ocean-finance profile image
Ocean-finance in reply to kdrbz

Oh dear but not to worry now you are on the way to healing very well just keep up cleaning it twice a day avoid getting pee into the wounds but on your third week it should all be sealing up the wounds you’ll just have scabs mainly in the frenulum area etc nothing to be concerned about.

kdrbz profile image
kdrbz in reply to Ocean-finance

yep i have one or 2 scabs at the front , and the frenulum which is the bottom? is very swollen and pretty scabby, but it should be all okay thank you for your help please keep messaging and thank you for your fast replies

Ocean-finance profile image
Ocean-finance in reply to kdrbz

No worries. All the best on your recovery

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