I’m two weeks post circumcision. I think everything has been going well but stitches haven’t dissolved yet and I bleed slightly every day from a little cut that occurred when a stitch got attached to my boxers. Also I’m more swelled up on one side of my penis and was wondering if y’all have any tips for swelling to go down?
2 weeks post op: I’m two weeks post... - Men's Health Foru...
2 weeks post op

Also I have dried blood on the stitches but it hurts to try and wash off. Should I be taking salt baths?
Just wash with regular soap & water... The stitches take up to 5 months to dissolve
Whilst stitches generally start to dissolve during the second week, they may take several weeks to all come out as very often there are insufficient enzymes at the surface to consume them. This is why it is useful to remove them yourself (or get your doctor/nurse to do it for you) after 14 days. Leaving them a long time risks stitch tunnels and prolonged swelling.
Salt baths are a good idea for keeping the wound clean and promoting healing.
(I'm in my day 35 post circumcition) The first two weeks, i did not use pants, i stay in my house. You need to have your penis clean and dry, and not manipulate it. For the stitch problem, try to ventilate the area. In my case, just in the 3rd week, the stitch problem was ended.