Went to my two week checkup after being circumcised 18 days ago. Go figure they couldn't fit me in for a appointment before 18, but whatever. So I go and wait an hour for the doctor to see me and he check out my penis. Said everything is healing nice but he was surprised the dissolvable stitches hadn't started to come out yet. I asked him if he cloud take them out but got the feeling he was too busy to do it. He gave a lazy response of call me in ten days if they dont come out. So after being in pain from the stitches stabbing me in the gland i figured i would take these out. After work today I started and it hurt like a son of bitch. Felt like they were super tight to the skin and cutting was impossible. So I did the best I could to cut most of the knot and untie them with tweezers then pull them out. Now I have no bleed but big holes from the empty space. Should this heal up right away or will it take awhile? Also how long did people wait until masterbating or having sex. My doctor didn't gave a straight forward answer. When I asked him he said well you don't want to have sex with the stitches in place. Yeah no shit doc. Just curious about what other people had experience with. I dont want to injure it before it can heal all the way. Thanks in advance.
Just pulled out my stitches after a c... - Men's Health Foru...
Just pulled out my stitches after a crap doctors appointment at 18 days

It should take a while for it to close up but do be conscious that sometimes they may not close up entirely and very soon . Usually they drop off and removal may incite a little more trauma to the area so they may take longer to heal up .
Its always best to abstain from all forms of sexual activities till the end of 6 Weeks after op and I would go as far as say 2 months just to be on the safe side. All the best !
It sounds as though your problems are of your own making and a bad attitude towards your doctor won’t help.
The stitches usually drop off after three weeks when left alone and don’t normally leave any holes. I expect your doctor was telling you to wait a while longer. That said, some doctors do seem to underestimate how long they take to be absorbed by the body.
Regarding masturbation and sex readiness, that will vary by individual and is not a precise science. You as a patient will know when you’re ready to proceed. Many doctors suggest abstaining for six weeks which should be ample if everything has healed OK.