So I have 4 stitches left one on top, one on the bottom and one on each side. My doctor is out of town and can’t see me for another week can anything happen if they’re in that long? Also is it safe to try and have sex with these four stitches in. Ive been able to masterbate no problem, so I think im ready to try to have sex.
4 stitches left? 1 month in. - Men's Health Foru...
4 stitches left? 1 month in.
No. Mines took 2 months to come off. Don’t touch it. It will come off by itself
Probably with stitch you can't penetrate , vagina will be hurt
Stitches have typically done their work by the end of the second week. I agree with not having P->V sex until they are all out.
Wound should’ve healed by now meaning stitches have done their job and are now redundant. Mine took between three and six weeks to disappear as I recall despite daily baths so nothing abnormal IMHO.
If you have trailing threads you can trim them with small scissors to tidy them up, it won’t do any harm. If they don’t get in the way then careful sex should be OK.
Bad advice - they are soluble sutures that are already being absorbed by surrounding tissue and trying to pull them out would rip skin.
Problem is my doctor had to set a month separate between appointments. Because he’s out of town my appointment is July 22 11 days from now is that a problem to wait for the appointment?
Stitches in too long can create skin tunnels. I would play it safe and hold off on sex till your doctor is back, its not worth messing it up now.
I just looked the skin tunnels up. I read i should take them out my self. Or should I just wait?
I’m not sure, mine all dissolved on their own. Maybe ask another doctor in your area?
Hi Man, I had all mine out after 2 weeks I couldn't stand them they had done their job. some of them had dissolved and some just fell off the remaining ones over a week I remove them one or two each day sometimes they just broke off. I wouldn't do any action like sex until everything is healed up after your stitches are out.
Alternatively, just be patient and wait, please don't waste the over-worked A&E department's time with something so trivial. D'oh!
Im in the USA they don’t bother me I just wasn't sure if its safe to wait that long. 10 more days till appointment. They seem kinda loose too.