I am still a teen, just turned 18 and I have no morning erections for 2 years and a half. I hake talked to my dad about this at the time and he said it wasn't anything that I should be worried about, but I am not sure. What do you think?
Morning erections : I am still a teen... - Men's Health Foru...
Morning erections

Hi no problem's, if it still work's ok your fine, you only get the One take care of it, Stay safe
Sleeping well? Have a lot on your mind? Eating healthy?
If not, these can be the reasons why.
Just because you don't have morning wood doesn't mean there's something wrong with you ! .As long as you are getting erect when you are aroused it should be fine . This is because morning wood depends on which type of sleep you are in and many other factors. Wouldn't worry at all ! Exercise and sleep well . Take care!
May I know how many times you fap in a week?

Yes, I would say 2, 3 or 4 times a week why?
Not enough sleep, stress and diet can play into this. Make sure to keep yourself healthy physically and mentally. As long as you can get an erection, don’t let this worry you.
Hi acdcrvih if you have got this problem at your age you need to go to docs and don't worry about going they handle problems like this all the time it's normal good luck and take care
Those erections happen during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. All that is happening is that your last 30-60 minutes of sleep are not REM sleep. It means nothing and is part of your psychology of being awake or asleep. In itself, it means nothing and would lead on to become nothing.