I m 26 yrs old male .A white spot has been developed on the bottom part of my penis glans and it is neither painful nor itchy at all.I noticed it around around last week of march. Because of lockdown I was not able to go to the clinic to consult a doctor. On 4 june,i visited a experienced dermatologist in my city and he described this as LS and said its just normal.it will go away.he has given me a topical steroid cream " terbinafine hydrochloride and futicasone propionate cream" to apply it for 15days.Just in case,if the situation remains the same even after 15days.he will do a biopsy. I will share a pic here also.i want to know whether i m being diagonise for the right disease or not?
White spot on bottom of my penis glans - Men's Health Foru...
White spot on bottom of my penis glans

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If you have consulted a dermatologist and they have diagnosed LS it is not for this forum to contradict that. Follow the treatment and, if necessary, have the biopsy.

Sure...thankyou so much.
Hi Man, it does look like LS but there are other conditions with similar symptoms. you are being treated with several different treatments see how this goes and make sure to follow up with your next appointment. Are you circumcised?
Hii..I m uncircumcised and three years back I had fungus infection around my genital area and it was diagonised successfully within 2months .I was wondering if this problem is related to my previous infection.I m definitely going to follow up with next appointment.
Hi, I've recently been diagnosed with LS. I also had a fungal infection around 3/4 years ago that wasn't dealt with properly, and felt it was all connected.
I'd like to ask if any other guys with LS have any autoimmune disorders. I had developed rheumatoid arthritis before the LS appeared. LS is believed to be an autoimmune related condition, so i'm interested to know if others have any "auto" symptoms.
Well you may be right.In my last visit i forgot to tell my doctor that i was being treated with a fungal infection on genital area in past.I am going to visit the clinic again in two days and I will let him know about my previous case which occured almost 3years ago.lets see if this all is connected.
Doctors/Specialists say LS cannot be caused by an infection, however if an infection is not cleared up with creams, antibiotics etc and persists due to not getting correct treatment... your autoimmune system can go into overdrive and start attacking your good cells. Urine can also get trapped under the foreskin which can add to the mix. I believe this combination is what triggered my LS, so in a roundabout way infection can be involved indirectly. This is why I've been interested to know if other LS sufferers have any autoimmune disorders.
Interestingly if we had all kept our foreskins pulled back the LS may not have been triggered.
Keep the faith Brothers..
Hey Man, doctors are unsure about what causes LS it could possibly have something to do with a past fungal infection and as guitar22 said there is a possible connection with a autoimmune disorder further studies would need to be done anyway you are being treated for a fungal infection as well as a steroid cream for a possible LS condition. If things don't improve with the creams you may need to consider having a circumcision done you should discuss these options with your doctor.
Its better to meet a urologist if things doesn’t clear up

Sure ...thankyou so much.
Hi, From the picture it doesnt appear to be due to any infection on fungal. I am told by a doctor, this can happen is due to usage of traditional soap/bodywash and switching to soap supplements could help.Do keep me informed on how it goes
Hello Everyone,the topical steriod cream given to me by the Dermatologist worked for me.It took 13days to clear the white spot.But i will to share my experience of the side effects i had while using that cream .Actually, I applied it for 10days only as started having problem in getting full erection.I started feeling a loss of sensitivity in my penis and also I was having problem in urination.everytime I came back after peeing ,I felt that my bladder is not completely empty and I have to urinate again.So yes,that cream had its side effects.I stopped using it for the same reason in just 10days .I was about to consult a different Doctor but on the 13th ,while i was bathing,I gently touched that white spot and the skin started to come out.There was no scar left nothing .But yes topical steriod creams have lot of side effects.My dermatologist was not sure whether it was lichen sclerosis or lichen planus but yes the cream he suggested me did the work.
Hi Aditya88 , I am glad it worked out well for you. Over time it should heal completely. I have a similar situation(but a little worse ) increased over an year now. No proper diagnosis locally here. Recently I had an remote consultation with photos by a skin Dermatologist. The prescription from it appears to show some initial positive results. Can you possibly let me know the Topical steroid cream name for awareness.
Hello Damusi71, the cream name is "Terbidac-F " and its composition have both terbinafine hydrochloride and Fluticasone Propionate. Since, It has been manufactured by an Indian Pharmaceutical company ,you wont find it in your respected country but definitely ,you can find a similar cream having the same composition that I have mentioned above in this answer. I wish you speedy recovery.
Thank you very much. Very helpful. I am prescribed Hydrocortisone and appears to be working. Will post it when it is fully sorted.
So what’s the exact diagnosis bro? You still have white spots?
Because LS is chronic progressive disease... usually involve tip of penis and prepuce mainly... your image not look like LS .... just go for biopsy and know the exact cause and relax ...
Actually my doctor told me that it can be LS or may be lichen planus ..he told me to apply the topical steroid cream and it worked . I dont have any white spot and it has been 4 months now.whether it was LS or LP ,i dont know but the cream did the job.
Great to hear....