I torn my frenulum a while back and it never connected back together. Over the past few years as it has torn more n more I have had small white scar tissue appear around this are which I have read is common, however now I have got multiple circular patches of white on my penis head not near the frenulum are these related? One of more prominent but it seems the other 2 are getting bigger they are not lumps or raised or itchy it’s just like discoloured sections of my penis head any ideas what this is and should I get it checked out ? Possible lichen sclerosus!
white patches on penis head (glans) - Men's Health Foru...
white patches on penis head (glans)

Self diagnosis should not be relied upon. You need to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis and any appropriate treatment
Hi Ryan110100, have to agree with Norwich1, never try and self diagnose especially in that area, I too tore my frenulum a few years ago and was sore for ages due to rough sex, I found that Germolene did help before going to the gp as it was itching and the cream although a little sore applying it did help.
hope this helps and good luck
Agree with all comments here about going to see the doctor, which you're doing.
I had a white patch on the top of my glands before my circumcision - looked like white tissue paper on the skin. Since the circumcision 4.5 months back it has disappeared as my glands acclimatises to its new hoodless state.
if u don’t mind me asking do u onow what was the reason the white patches appear in the first place as it’s not sore etc it’s just like u said white paper stuck to the gland however is a noticeable colour diff colour to the rest of it
Hi Ryan.. You are describing exactly the same symptoms I had. I also had a tear which formed scar tissue and also the paler areas on the glans itself. I was prescribed steroid cream to apply directly on the glans and it did seem to help a little and the colour returned although not exactly as it was before. I had to have a circumcision to resolve the scarring on my frenulum though as it was causing phimosis
No they never really got to the bottom of it I had lots of scans and also had an ultrasound on my penis to check it and all came back fine. I'm going to give it a few months to see if the circumcision I have had improves it but they said it was nothing to worry about
UPDATE: been told it doesn’t look like lichen scheloris but have been prescribed anti fungal steroid cream and emollient to keep it clean and hopefully stop whatver it is spreading and clear up and hopefully bring some color back to the white patches. Will update in a few weeks 🤞🏻