Hello, I am 20 yrs old... I got circumcised 3 days back... On the surgery day i don't feel much pain and was comfortable... With the gauze...i come home on 2 day and I feel much pain on the second day... I can sit but can't laydown at all... It too painful... And I see some blood spots on the gauze..... Doctor only proscribed tablets.... I think he might forgotten of the ointment....on the 3 day i removed my gauze after shower and I so blood spots are on the stiches.... I am to scared....no ointment for spreading so I am painful......... On 3rd day I can't even close my eyes..... But little bit faded as compared to 2nd day..... Today.... Also some pain occur but much as like the previous days.... When I took bath blood spots on the previous day gone and new blood spots come..... Only one drop on each stiches.... And looks normal under the penis on both the side I see a purple swelling... Whts that and... I saw aaa white precipitate under the penis whts that... Any one plz give your valuable information... And not much pain on day 4 compared to 2 and 3....should I use any ointment to reduce sensitivity..
Any one please🙏 reply: Hello, I am 2... - Men's Health Foru...
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Hey, don't worry, you seem very nervous about it. Blood spots are normal and they will go away soon. I used ointment for the first week and it helped alot because the gauze doesn't stick to your skin. Apply vaseline on the gauze before putting it on and it should help it. Tablets are the only thing I got aswell and although I did feel some pain it was mostly at night from erections. If you need more information or tips feel free to send me a message. I am currently in day 11 since the op
Bro at night pain is so worst.. I can't even close my eyes at all.... And I think the pain come from the bleeding spots and the pain tooo vulnerable 😵. Blah..... Up to noon a little bit pain only after that the condition gonna fuck badly
Hi get some good painkillers in you don't suffer, if can bathe it in Mild salt water,
In my experience you'll probably have blood spots for the first week or so. How many stitches did you have?

That I don't know bro.... Stiches are there might be 10 not accurate... Now I have pain on the under side of penis
That's similar to mine (I had nine). The surgeon advised me their thinking was that it's better to keep the wound more 'open' to allow it to drain and avoid build-up of fluids that causes swelling. They believed it healed better that way and in my case they were right, no swelling and no bumpy scar line caused by stitches.
I also had a gap appear and I could see white underneath but it stayed clean and gradually closed over two weeks, Hope this helps reassure.

Is there blood spots on the stiches I uploaded a photo above plz check it and tell me.. And yellow discharge on one side of the incision site... Could you please check the photo and tell...