Hello! I need a help urgently. I’m 25 years old and virgin. I am being treated with Roaccutane (isotretinoin) for acne.
4 months ago I had dryness and irritation on my penis due to the medication. I consulted a terrible urologist and he prescribed me a corticosteroid ointment and told me that I should use it repeatedly, as the ointment wouldn't harm me. I had a return appointment 14 days later and he told me to use it for a total of 2 and a half months.
The result was disastrous, my foreskin is thin, especially on the neck of the penis, just below the glans, it is burning and sensitive. I can't masturbate because the skin is too thin. Does anyone know how to recover and if it is possible to recover there?
I'm totally discouraged, I have no desire to live anymore. I'm angry because I trusted the doctor's recommendation, I'm angry with myself for being in this situation. I stopped using the ointment 3 days ago.
Can someone help me? How do I restore the skin on my foreskin?