Hi I had a circumsision done 7 days ago and I cant wear any clothes cause it is way too sensitive and I really need to get back to school anything I can do and how long will it take to feel comfortable also my doctor that did mine suggested to wear this cotton pad thing and I realised that it was getting caught in with the stitches and its stuck to the skin ( the cotton ) I've tried washing in bath with salt water it wont come of any advice thankyou
How long will it take to not be sensi... - Men's Health Foru...
How long will it take to not be sensitive and what can I do to help the process speed up I need to get back to work and school

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It took me awhile to be comfortable enough to go out. I stayed home for 3 weeks to be honest working from home. When I had to go out it was just to get food and I wore gauze around it but it was uncomfortable. Now I’m at 1 month and 1 week and still wear gauze to go out because I’m not fully comfortable yet but it’s a huge improvement.
I think everyone heals differently at their own pace
Okay thankyou so much hopefully it doesnt take that long is gauze like a cream that I can apply to it and if you had dissolvable stitches when did they come out also I think my doc fucked the surgery the foreskin behind the head is not even all around is that normal or is that a problem it looks like it hasn't been stitched properly
It probably looks like that because it’s still swollen. Gauze is basically like a bandage that you can wrap around your dick to protect to wound and it will help with walking because it’s like a protection between your dick and your pants, you can buy it at a drug store or pharmacy. And then you take it off gently in the shower when it’s wet.
I have sensitive head and started wearing tight nylon boxers to retrict it from touching anything theyve been great for me.
just ignore that.
if couldn't try thick oil like vasalin
You can try to put some petroleum jelly or strips of paraffin gauze on to wound area under the bandage. Then the gauze won't stuck in your wound or stitches.
Alright thankyou so much guys I've got a cotton bud and I have got all the cotton out so that's good I have also just bought vaseline and paraffin gauze to help I'll let you know how I feel. I still have one more question the foreskin that they see behind the head is it supposed to be even all the way around if you dont know what i mean i can upload a photo thankyou
Hi, the sensitivity can be an issue especially if you had phimosis. you can get none adhering dressings from the chemist and some gauze dressing wrapped around it. The problem using the Vaseline it might prolonged the sensitivity by keeping your glans moist. If the stitches are sticking out you could trim the end to stop them from getting caught. if the stitches are not gone in 3 weeks time I would have them removed.
Sensitivity and swelling can be addressed by the following steps:
1. Wrap your penis (shaft) in gauze bandage. Apply some antiseptic dream if available.
2. Over the gauze use compression bandage (self adhering) bandage you securely (snugly) wrap your penis.
3. Hopefully you have removed your pubic hair. If not yet done, use beard or hair trimmer or even small scissors to trim and remove most of the pubic hair. The hair can tickle and irritate the scar and the ultra sensitive newly exposed glans (penis head).
4. Wear a snug secure underwear and keep your penis against your torso/belly pointing towards your belly button. This ensures that the sensitive penis doesn’t flop around and create further discomfort. It also helps in the healing process.
Good luck.