I got circumcised for phimosis October 13th. As of today its February 2nd, almost 4 months in and I still can't touch my glans. When I was in surgery I was in extreme pain to the point where another doctor came in and was physically holding me because I was shaking from the pain, despite having more aneasthesia dose. I had to hold my dick for 5 days during the night, the whole 8 hours without letting my penis head touch anywhere or I'd jump out of bed and probably pass out from the shock. Since then I have been wearing gauzes. I have tried not putting gauze but it hurts so much to just let my penis in the underwear. Yesterday I did it again and it's already overwhelming to jolt in pain everytime I have to take my dick off so I can fucking pee. My frenulum is still swollen. This whole experience the last months has made me depressed and I don't think I'll ever be able to have sex. Anybody that has gone through this, please give tips and advice.
I hate my circumcision: I got... - Men's Health Foru...
I hate my circumcision

Try extra virgin organic unrefined coconut oil.
I hate my circumcision for the opposite. I lost 70 percent of my sensation and sex and masturbation really sucks now. I feel so disconnected. Worst thing is I could've lived with my prior condition but I chose to undergo the surgery thinking it would help me.
Im sorry mate. When did you lose most of your sensitivity? Was it quick after surgery or it was gradually reduced?
After surgery. Been 13 weeks. As soon as I had the surgery I could tell I made a mistake.
Same how do you live with it everydsy
It sucks. It really takes a toll on me every day even 4 years after. All I can tell you is to maybe try to stretch the inner foreskin. Google foreskin restoration.
Idk man I just don’t wanna do this anymore. I shouldn’t of done this, my only worry was if I’ll regret it. All my worries happened and more. It’s on them but it’s also on me so Idek. I just don’t know how to live with it. I fucked up ig. All there is shattered hopes and wishes
I got circumcision protective underwear with a little plastic bubble part sticking out, a lot of it will be in your mind now, impossible that it still hurts, guessing you never kept your foreskin retracted back through the day before you got the op, so now its more intense.. do you walk ok and how are you when you piss? it took a while for me to learn how to finish pissing, before with skin i used to shake and done, but with none, you have to squeeze out the piss and wait until it all comes out properly otherwise you will still be leaking piss if you pull up your pants too soon lol
The first two weeks were like for me as well. I wore snug briefs to stop any movement and help with the swelling.
If I was you I would buy some delay spray or cream which will numb your penis head a bit , then once it’s numb go about your daily business , that should in time help to form a thicker layer of skin on your head from rubbing against the fabric which you can’t do right now cos of the pain , just my thought ,
I had my circumcision done on the 7th October last year so there’s only a week between us.
I think the swelling will go down but for some it can take up to a year so there’s still hope 👍
Also when in the shower get the shower head and spray your penis on the soft sprinkle setting then work up to the powerful one , eventually you will get used to it , good luck man and I hope it resolves for you.
Statham I felt the exact same for a bit my op was on the 6th Jan, I applied an extremely thin amount of vaseline on and around the head (glands) and i also was using extra virgin organic unrefined coconut oil at the same time, I am also having salt water baths twice a day about half an average size cup full of salt added to the bath. I've stuck too this and my healing process has dramatically increased. Sick with it everything takes time. And good luck too.
I'd say don't put any oil or lube on it as that increases the sensitivity and as someone posted earlier try some numbing spray
How is your healing process going?
Same problem, 5 months CIRCUMCISION done and still sensitivity on glance. I am tired of this. Any help? How long more it take to go sensitivity?
Bro, bite the bullet. No underwear, rough jeans, let it swing and build up it's keratinised covering. If you keep protecting it it will take much, much longer. Good luck, I had the same issue and then said Sod It. 2 weeks of discomfort then all done.
Try teething gel they make for babies. It will numb the feeling while your penis toughens up
I was cut on October the 3rd and still more than half of my incision line has not mended together leaving horrible skin flapping away from each other and deep wound like cuts at the front incision really not good I feel you on the depression sides of thing really haven’t felt myself since having it done i only continue to pray for better days I don’t have sensitivity on my glands like you I can only imagine the stress and pain it’s causing really sympathise for you brother just no your not alone if you ever need to chat or any questions feel freeTo message Me I still also have a horrible ring like swelling the entire way around the incision.
I had similar experience. It’s done now. No going back but some drs don’t explain consequences. Try and take your mind off it(easily said). Travel somewhere exotic when virus allows. Life goes on . My best wishes to you.
hey are you able to talk about this still. I’m going through the same thing and I don’t want to do this anymore. Idk I’ve seen this is from a couple years so if you got any advice now pls pls say
If youre going through what i went i feel for you and thats why im taking time out of my day to respond.
A few weeks after i wrote this post i said fuck it and bite the bullet. I was putting numb spray (xylocaine) on my dick 3 timea a day and i was wearing underwear. It was very painful if my penis was scratching/moving against it but the spray helped a bit. So i tried my best to wear underwear for as long as possible, i remember when i had to go to the toilet it was also quite painful cuz i would have to pull it out off the surface.
After 3 days i still had a lot of pain but it wasnt as sharp (maybe 15% less suffer). i tried not to move a lot. After about 2 weeks i was finally functional able to move for the most part in day to day activities but i still coudlnt walk fast or do fast movement with my legs. After 1 month i could do everything with a small amount of pain at the point that it didnt bother me. After 2 to 3 months everything was gone and i didnt even think about it, it was like a memory from my past life.
Hope this helps, dont get beaten down i know its depressing.
Good to hear your all recovered mate 👍 and well done responding after so long much respect 👍
Thank you so much thank you for the quick reply thank you for taking time out your day. It’s so hard, i wish I didn’t do it man. While using the xylocaine, did you lose sensitivity in your glands or on your tip at all? I’m really worried for losing good sensitivity, this is my 4 week and I don’t know anything anymore it feels. Also, what did you do for scarring, like how has that affected you. It’s fucking up my head a lot. Im sorry