I had a consultation last week just to go through all the different styles, and decided this seem to be the right amount of foreskin to go, does it seem to much?
Is this to much foreskin being removed - Men's Health Foru...
Is this to much foreskin being removed

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If the doctor was happy and explained it all carefully and thoroughly then it should be ok. Did he say how much would be left when you’re erect? You probably don’t want it so tight that it’s going to pull your penis into your body.
dan, as was probably explained to you by the doctor, the two marks are where the skin will be stitched or glued together. If you experiment some you can see how tight you will be. With the cut where the marks are now my opinion is you’ll be fairly high and really tight. It will take a while to heal and stretch to fit your erection back to current length. It looks about like what was removed on mine and after about 4 months im just barely getting to that point. You may heal faster. Im about to turn 60. Not meant to scare you just to give you some perspective. I am pretty pleased with my results but not done settling out yet.
You’re asking a technical question only an experienced surgeon can answer.
Congratulations on your decision. It's much better to remove to little, than to too remove too much. Be sure to post some after pictures here.
I concur. That does look like a lot, but it also looks like 100% outer foreskin and almost no inner. It will definitely result in a very high cut and a distinctive 2-tone appearance. Personally, I like this aesthetic result.
You don’t appear to be suffering from tightness. Why do you seek circumcision?
There you go again. Trying to find a way into pushing your own agenda when the guy was not even asking for them.
It’s a perfectly acceptable question. I’m pro-circumcision but it’s still ok to ask questions pleasantly.

Read the track record of his posts.
I have. He is asking a question perfectly politely here.

It wasn't what the guy was asking
I just think we should all be as pleasant and non-judgmental as possible on here.
Dude I wish my dr had left that much. Mine was way to right and has pulled about 3-4 inches of my penis inside.
How long ago were you circumcised?
Ok just seen elsewhere - 14 months. Still 3-4 inches inside after all that time?

Yep. I've been doing stretching exercises and gained back about an inch.
Oh well keep doing that. I’m sorry to hear this. It seems the dr did take too much off. It’s so important for them to get the measurements right. I hope it improves.

I'd post before and after photos if I could.
How much if any overhang do you have with a fully flaccid penis?
Are you a grower?
These are determining factors in how much is cut off.
From the picture it looks like just the skin that would cover the glans.
If you're not much of a grower this should be fine.
Does you skin fully cover your glans now while you're erect?
If so this should be OK like the picture.
If you are a grower you don't want a tight cut you need a loose one.
Looking good to me as is.
You only need your glans to be open
That’s the most ludicrous statement on circumcision I’ve ever read on this forum. It would seriously assist your understanding if you actually had a penis yourself.
This is where you get it fundamentally wrong. An individuals decision is theirs and theirs alone. It doesnt require younger anyone else to question it. You're not the arbiter of correct decisions, or even appropriate decisions. Our role instead is to support and reassure. It's quite simple really. If you cant be kind and supportive to someone on here about the decision they make, shut up. It isn't difficult.
Ignoring the fact that this Adelaide survey was published 50 (fifty) years ago in 1970, the sentence,
“The mean age of the patients in this survey was 2 years 4 months”
is enough to demonstrate that what you’ve again posted is absolutely irrelevant to this thread or indeed this entire forum.
The big clue is in the photo - allow me to explain, presence of pubic hair normally indicates that the person is considerably older than 2 years 4 months.
Unhelpful misinformation.
It is when performed on adults (post-puberty) which is what this forum is about.
Setting yourself up as an independent arbiter of advice doesn't make you an independent arbiter of advice. Your record is here for all to see. You have an axe to grind and turn the focus of all posts you answer to the suit your argument.
That is so true. But I am also free to call you out in any posts you make, and i shall continue to warn others about your agenda which, I am also free to do.
If you know your Shakespeare you will know what happened to the character that uttered those words.
Recovery is not necessarily long and painful. I had my second circumcision when I was 20 and I had no pain at all afterwards.
I am walking, talking, living proof that it was accurate.
Please prove it is not an accurate operation.
I am aware that I had it easy compared to some people. My point is that the way you write suggests that it is always a long, painful, difficult recovery. It is not always.
I had what you would call a standard circumcision. About an inch of inner skin left after the circ. In retrospect it would have been good to keep a little more inner skin. The circ is also a littler looser, but not much, so it allows for a bit more play. Depends what style/result you are going for.