Hi.. frnds.. What is a side effect of too much removing foreskin on penis.. means what if penis have no or just little foreskin remain.. Thank u..
IF TOO MUCH SKIN REMOVED: Hi.. frnds... - Men's Health Foru...
It is quite difficult to remove too much foreskin, especially with a device like the ZSR stapler which, if anything, is liable to remove too little!
For many men the ideal circumcision is to remove all of the actual foreskin leaving only shaft skin pulled tight. Admittedly, not everyone wants that complete a cut though.
Thank for reply.. I had Circumcision with stapler divice.. not ZSR.. my problem is doc cut too much foreskin on underneath.. too littile left. So I worried about that.. !!
A proper circumcision requires removal of ALL of the foreskin. Only the shaft skin should remain and there should be little or almost no movement of the skin on the penile shaft when you are erect - like the skin on your finger or arm.
Once the circumcision is done properly it you should technically require lube to rub and stimulate your penis to masturbate.
This kind of a good cut requires that the guy is cut Pre puberty and the children are normally told not to touch or yank so that the shaft skin does not loosen over time and ruin the esthetics and the sensation derived from the skin tightness.
When people are circumcised as an adult Even the partial tightness gets them concerned because they have been used to the looseness of the foreskin. And very few doctors do a good job of removing all the skin and making the penis really tight. Doctors are usually worried about patients who don’t understand this complaining and going to courts... and judges and legal system is not really equipped to understand this. So doctors play it safe and don’t cut it very tight - but in reality this makes the patients keep going back to the doctor again to enhance the tightness.
YumTea. It is not true that “A proper circumcision requires removal of ALL of the foreskin.“ What you are saying then is that most circumcised men do not have a “proper circumcision “.
The fact is that most circumcised men are circumcised as infants, and Routine Infant Circumcision (RIC) does not remove ALL of the foreskin. RIC leaves varying amounts of inner foreskin, which is the mucosal tissue next to the glans, having a slightly different color up to the circumcision scar line running around the entire shaft.
If infants cannot receive a “proper circumcision” in your opinion then that is all the more reason to leave it alone and let the man decide about circumcision for himself as an adult.
Other facts in your response are erroneous, as well. Where did you come up with the idea that “children are normally told not to touch or yank so that the shaft skin does not loosen over time and ruin the esthetics”? That is quite a preposterous statement and sounds like something from the Victorian era.
I am sure you mean well, but your opinions about circumcision are not supported by science.
roddythescot. It is not true that it is quite difficult to remove too much foreskin. There is no dotted line on which to cut. Many men complain of having too much foreskin removed in circumcision and consequently having tight and painful erections. Much depends on the skill of the surgeon and a lot of guesswork.