Yesterday marked a month since my surgery, and I just had a few concerns. I’m away at college so I can’t see my doctor for anything really until I go back home... I’ve been able to masturbate multiple times, but under the stitches I still feel a weird ridge structure and bumps (that feel like big veins) that kinda causes pain when rubbing over it. There’s also still like 2 stitches left. They’re definitely not absorbable ones since all the other stitches just disappeared. Should I pull the stitches out or just leave them? And with the ridge feeling I’m kinda concerned to have sex because I don’t want to be in pain. Any feedback is appreciated
4 week circumcision results - Men's Health Foru...
4 week circumcision results
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I had cut my stitches out by 14 days. So get them out if I was you
Go to the dottor and see what he says. Don't try to remove them by yourself, it could start bleeding again and you don't want that!
Would you tell us how does you penis look like when flaccid? Does the skin cover partially the glands or not? Are you able to use your foreskin to masturbate?
I can use it a little
4 weeks the healing is over, you can remove the 2 stitches yourself by applying antiseptic.
The result is very nice, apply Bio-Oil to improve the scar.
We do not recommend the self-removal of sutures. Even at College you will be able to access healthcare.
Hi Man, if you're comfortable removing stitches yourself you could try if not I would have them removed. the bumps that you feel will disappear in time but could take time to fully go your scar will soften as well Bio-Oil will help with this. Looks like a nice low and tight cut enjoy 👍
There is no relevant scientific studies that Bio-Oil works better than any mineral oil like Baby-Oil or even natural coconut oil. I'm writing against marketing BS here. The only point is to keep scar moisturized first 3-12 months.
I would go to the on campus clinic. They wouldn't do the circumcision for me but I would think that they would remove stitches.
Good man.
Why not just give the two stitches like another week and see if they’re still there then decide?
Hows the pain level? Gone?
It looks very good.