For the past almost year I have had 0 libido and strugged with erectile dysfunction for awhile after I tried to get shredded for summer and even after I bulked back up I had the same issue of low libido whether it was sexual desire or desire to do other things so I went to an endocrinologist and got a blood test that came back fine so witch direction should I go to get help? And does anyone have any advice?
Low libido: For the past almost year I... - Men's Health Foru...
Low libido

Take Megalis 10
Hi, you might want to give some info so that it can be narrowed down. There can be lots of reasons for low libido. Testosterone levels, your age, what did you do to get shredded, how much weight did you gained back, medications you might be on, are you circumcised and how long ago was it done,
T levels came back fine after testing
I'm under 30
To get shredded I just ate very little by tracking calories
I gained about 40lbs ( I'm still only about 20%bf)
I'm not on any medications
And the cut started about a year ago and I began to bulk 6 months ago
It kind of sounds like you were basically starving yourself. Bad idea. Diets have a huge failure rate. You need to stick to a diet of foods you like and can be prepared in a heathy way. Going up and down on your weight can cause all kinds of problems. You didn't give me your total testosterone levels. My bet is that is that it is too low. Doctors use old antiquated charts to decide if you are normal. Someone physically fit and under 30 could easily have a normal level above a 1000. If you're under 600, I would say you are too low for your age. The biggest challenge will be to find a doctor willing to give you the amount of testosterone that you need to operate where you want to be. The bad side of this is when you start T replacement, it's for life. Took me 4 doctors to find one who was willing to give me what I needed. At 62 we shoot for 800 to a 1000 total testosterone levels. I am very physically active and need a high level of testosterone to operate at peak. I just have donate blood every few months to keep the hemoglobin levels down to normal. Hope this helps.
Im done with the diet shit because I knew it was a bad idea but yeah I'm 14 and the doctor told me I had a t level of ~420 Wich she said was high for my age
At 14, I'm not sure were you should be since your just starting at puberty. By the time you hit 17 your testosterone should peak. The one thing I do know is that you need a male endo. Women are more focused on female problems than men's. At your age, your just going to have to wait and grow some more before you get any definite answers.
So I got a print out of the results I got from my endocrinologist and my testosterone was actually 80 higher than my previous test (420-500) but I guess that is to be expected since the second test was taken first thing in the morning but one thing I did notice is my prolactin levels were 16.9 when the upper level is 17.5 so it was definitely in the higher range Wich was especially weird since prolactin levels should be higher at night and low in the morning but I don't know if this is significant enough. I do sometimes have very inconsistent facial hair growth Wich happens with high prolactin levels so do you think that could be the cause?