Hello all, I'm glad I have found this website where people can talk and discuss about their problems.
My problem is that (as you can see in the pictures) I have some concerns about some skin that is sticking out. It's in regard to the pink skin (my camera is not the best qaulity). It feels 100 times more sensitive than other parts of my penis or the glans. It looks totally different from the rest of the skin as you can see. The pink skin came after a couple days when my penis was really swollen, I had an infection early on and had to get antibiotics (I did my best with the hygiene part geuss I was just unlucky). Now the infection has been gone for some time, and the overal swelling has really gone down to almost not much. But unfortunally the pink skin is still big and bright... It's the most sensitive part there is.
I was not able to post more than 1 picture unfortunally, but in other pictures you can see the pink line has an end and a start. You can see the start and end borders a little bit.
I would really appreciate the input and experiences of you guys, thanks in advance!