I am new here and this is my first ever post. I really need your help I am 50 and obese and cannot get the skin on my penis to heal. Underneath my shaft the skin is cracked and bleeds and will not heal. I have tried everything. I try and retract the skin when I urinate but it is extremely painful. I keep it clean but when I put a cream or ointment on it it gets worse. It like all of the heat when the head retracts melts and no longer protects the skin. I used to get a lot of yeast infections but this is not that. I have tried for over a year and still nothing helps. I would attach some pictures but do not know how to post them. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.
Severe Penis Skin issue: I am new here... - Men's Health Foru...
Severe Penis Skin issue

Hi are you diabetic? I have a similar thing. I’m obese too.

I have not been told I am a diabetic.....Have you tried anything that works?
I am diabetic and have a similar problem. I am obese too. What I have is balanitis caused by thrush due to being diabetic. I was given antibiotics for a start but they actually made it worse rather than better. I was given a mild steroid anti fungal cream. This cleared it in 3 days. After I stopped the cream it came back in a few days. I was told to use the cream again for a whole week. I did but when I stopped it came back again. This time the doctor took a swab to confirm that I t was thrush causing balanitis. I then got a stronger steroid anti fungal cream and told to use it twice a day for 3 weeks continuously then immediately go onto a plain anti fungal cream for 3 months. I’m 9 weeks in and all is looking good just now. Hopefully when I Finnish the cream it will be gone. The doctor told me if it comes back after finnishing the cream that I may need to be circumcised. I hope not.
Sorry to hear your penile skin issue. Have you already talk with your local health care provider?
It's way too easy to me to say. Cut calories and lose your weight, cause I don't know you at all.
You would be well advised to be tested for diabetes. If you have it then anything you try to get rid of your problem will not be likely to work until you get your blood sugars under control.
Does anyone know how I add a few pictures?
First of all; let me say well done on the weight you have lost. I, too, urge you to be tested for diabetes. Diabetics are prone to infection of all sorts and they can be quite difficult to resolve even when treated by a physician when blood sugar is not under control. Unfortunately, there is no way to lose weight in targeted, specific areas. Instead it must be lost as a whole on the body. You can tone certain areas but that isn't what you are looking for in this case. If you continue to lose weight and the problem area remains it can be removed surgically at that time if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. Keep up the good work with your weight loss. You are worth it. Best of luck with everything.
Hi boss .. i a min Asia and heat, jock itch and yeast infection is common. The other guys are correct bout diabet and similar as makes worse.
Look up on google simple ... mild salt solution, mild garlic and ginger baths etc (i mean for penis) as these solutions are excellent to kill off bacteria yeast and some virus - or at least knock them back so the body can get on top of the problems.
my opinion ... avoid any fungal cream with steroids (common used as anti inflammatory) as this component can thin and damage the skin, There are a few creams that dont contain steroids (brand name Zarin is one and can look for the composition to give yr chemist some ideas.
Go online and search for anti fungal diet
i have a ton of info on this but yu need to private message me i think - John in Asia (Hot Asia not the cold areas ,,, )