I’ve actually had IBS for 25 years so do already have a very sensitive digestive system.
However, since I turned 45 (5 years ago), my digestive system has gone haywire.
I have regular nausea, acid stomach, belching, stomach pain, bloating in stomach and intestinal area. I get awful gurgling and rumblings which even wake me through the night. I have alternating soft stool and constipation. All in all a very unhappy gut the majority of the time.
Since 2019 I have had a string of tests (a colonoscopy and gastroscope with biopsies, ultrasound scans, a ct scan, a pill camera endoscopy and a fit stool test) all come back clear, thank goodness.
I watch my diet so carefully and follow the low fodmap diet, I drink only water or mint tea, no diary or gluten/wheat, no fried or spicy foods. In fact I have an extremely boring/bland diet.
I have tried all medications for my digestive system but very little helps. I exercise and listen to gut directed hypnotherapy.
The doctors are stumped and say it’s just IBS but I am wondering if my peri hormones are causing this upset. I do also have many other peri symptoms and at 50 am pretty sure I am in perimenopause.
Has/does anyone else suffer with their digestive system like this during this time? It’s really getting me down as it controls my day to day life.