Hi, I am using a 50mg patch for half the week then a couple of pumps of ostrogel for the other half (because of the irritation the patches cause). On the gel days I have painful IBS cramps, painful bowel movements, wind, and I am binge eating sugar laden things. Is this a thing???
Oestrogel digestive issues: Hi, I am... - Menopause and Per...
Oestrogel digestive issues

I used to be on the gel this happened to me changed to spray still happens 2 yrs down the line wonder is it worth taking it
Hi. Why don’t you just use oestrogel all the time? It’s worked much better than patches on me anyway. I’d guess it’s more to do with your cycle that the actual oestrogen? It hasn’t affected my appetite at all. But when my ‘cycle’ is at that time (no longer have periods but can still tell when I would have had one) then that’s when the hunger etc happens. But the hrt itself has never affected my appetite.
By mixing different types of oestrogen HRT you're potentially confusing the brain and the body. Although you might be using equivalent doses and they are both transdermal, the level and the amount you receive through the day will vary. With the gel you are getting one large dose at one time which will then make its way through the body. With the patch you are receiving a continuous dose. Oestrogen aids in insulin sensitivity and you need stable oestrogen levels to maintain insulin sensitivity. If you are mixing them in this way it will affect your gastrointestinal tract. Oestrogen generally speeds up transit time in the gut. Remember our hormones all work together and one will affect the others.
I can't even imagine doing that and ever feeling well. The body likes consistency and I would think it is very confused. I have to take both pill form with a pump of gel, but I do the same thing everyday. I don't have a uterus, so only need estrogen. I tried progesterone a few tines and I am gladvi don't need it.
Thanks for this. Having known women who take the gel only as and when they think they need it I never thought about the 'confusion' aspect. will ask GP
Just remember, we are "artificially" giving our bodies hormones. We don't have the ability for our bodies to call on what is needed moment by moment, so I would think a consistent dose would be best. Unfortunately, I personally can't use patches because I seem to absorb it very quickly. The first day of the patch I feel great and energetic. A few days later I am very emotional. Many women do great on them. Hopefully you find what works best for your body. It is a lot of trial and error and the process can be frustrating.
How long you been on hrt
transdermal doesn’t go into your digestive system it goes through your skin so should not be affecting you in that way it could be down to using 2 different types of oestrogen and it’s confusing your body stick to one type give it at least 3-6 months to settle.
Oestrogen is needed in all area’s of our bodies so to function so it probably doesn’t know what’s happening with the fluctuations that’s happening. Take a look at menopausal not mad