I am 54 years old and I have had a hysterectomy for 10 months. I have hot flashes, insomnia and mood swings. For a month now I have noticed problems with my stomach and intestines. I have a feeling of fullness in my stomach and abdomen, I have indigestion, nausea, belching. It is somehow difficult for me. I also often have constipation. Do you also have such symptoms? I am starting to worry. Thank you for all your answers.
menopause: I am 54 years old and I have... - Menopause and Per...

My feeling of fullness and belching is due to food intolerances - gluten and dairy.
Presumably you are taking some HRT?
Then it would be like instantaneous menopause and so your hormones will have dropped suddenly. I would be asking about HRT

🤔Some symptoms ..can be linked to menopause. Speak to your GP about all symptoms.
I have been on 4 different kind of HRT now I am on Elleste Duet Conti. I have suffered from really bad anxiety, nausea, indigestion and digestive issues and very bad itchy skin with insomnia on top of that. I take metoclopramide for nausea 2 different kind of ant - histamines now. I can feel just myb that things are slightly improving......???
I tried SSRIs for anxiety but couldn't tolerate them well eg vomiting. Have had them beofre!
take care