Hi. I’m new to this Community but have been on the Endometriosis UK one since last year.
Since having a hysterectomy, I’ve spoken briefly to a doctor about HRT. She gave me a link to do some research but I can’t find anything that has pros and cons of patches over gel - apart from keep the gel away from animals as it can affect them badly. I am a ‘picker’ so pick my fingers and any bumps on my skin (I know, horrible..) so was concerned I may feel the patch and want to pick at it. It seems more convenient then the gel though? I saw you have to apply it daily all over your arm or thigh then wait an hour before putting on moisturiser.
I’ve had Endometriosis excised as well so will be looking at combined HRT which may well be patch/gel oestrogen and pill form for progesterone.
Thanks in advance for any experiences.