I am a 66 year old retired woman . Have had MDD for as long as I can remember. Went through several antidepressants from most groups. Developed severe Restless Leg syndrome and was switched to Buproprion which helped for a long while, but eventually hit the max dose of 450 mg. Was put on Gabapwntin for the RLS which cause a severe flare of the depression that I struggled with for almost 2 years. Was given TMS( 40 treatments) and TBS( theta burst stimulation) x10 and had tremendous improvement and began to get back to living again, except that I continue with the lack of joy or enjoyment in being with people. I make myself go out and interact and keep myself busy, but it doesn’t change. I feel I am living and productive, but not really enjoying myself. Has anybody found any type of treatment hat has helped?
Better,but not quite: I am a 66 year... - Major Depressive ...
Better,but not quite

67 retired female, in the same boat, haven't found anything yet, will let you know if I do.
Glad to hear that you are able to make a move forward,best wishes
I’m 63 and feel like you do, it’s very lonely even though I see people.
I’m 33 with MDD and GAD. Wishing I was retired, but probably won’t be able to until I hit 70. Married for 9 years and been together for 13 years. No kids. Only thing that keeps me pushing forward are my two dogs. We moved very far from family because I thought my husband got a job, it’s been months and nothing. I’ve been working part time due to my mental health and at least finally feeling okay physically. And finally getting sleep without medication after years of lack there of sleep. But still feeling lethargic and no motivation. I feel lonely constantly and daily. I’m proud you made it this far and at least making attempts. I’ve just learned to be proud of the little things as you should. But then again I fall back into it, but I am thankful to be in a better position then last year where I made an attempt. But slowly feel like I’m headed that way again. As I don’t want to work but have to since our savings is only going to last so long. And the feature seems bleak. I hope we find something meaningful to hold onto to survive.
Hi, 57 in a similar situation. I have spent a lot of time practicing acceptance, I am my age, my weight, alone, and I pair that with being grateful for my body, my home, my dogs, my job, and peace. I get to eat healthy and not have another persons food desires become a debate. I can enjoy a movie or silence, I am not cleaning up after anyone else.. There are a lot of benefits to living alone. Loneliness is another battle. I fight it but it used to be debilitating. Now it just is a good reason to garden, fix mechanical clocks, sleep. I am babbling, sorry.
The most recent medication I have been on that has worked is Venlafaxine. Also restarting mental health counseling.