Had MDD since childhood. Now I have anxiety and panic attacks. I have tried just about every kind of medication and therapy. Nothing helps much. Anyone ever get EMDR for PTSd or hypnotherapy for core beliefs that are negative? I never feel good enough.
tired: Had MDD since childhood. Now I... - Major Depressive ...

I tried EMDR but it did nothing for me. Perhaps because I didn’t really have accessible memories and my ptsd is complex so not any particular event to focus on. I have a friend who used it to help with the death of her father and she said it helped a lot with that.
Hope is what keeps us going and everyone is different, so keep trying different things if you can and who knows what will end up helping
Cat lady MDD is the worse. I have had it on and on for the longest. Even been hospitalized for it Now I am retired back home in Jamaica. The vitamin D from the sunshine does help one hospital gives large doses when you are admitted. Now I have to try and stay busy doing things I like. Wellness groups help. Meds do not help me so I stopped taking all of them