I'm done talking I hope. I don't want to come back here or try to explain myself ever again. People mean well but they say things I already know or they suggest things that I feel like I can't do. I haven't been able to do anything since January. I've been so bad for seven months and I'm done. No matter what I say about how I'm feeling no one understands. I just want people to understand because then they'd be able to make suggestions that don't feel like telling a person with no legs to run.
I can't make myself move half the time and I can't make myself want anything. I really need help and I'm not asking anyone here for it. I've been asking people in real life and I can't do it anymore. I can't keep trying to find ways to get just a shred of understanding or help. I think I'm on my own as sick as I am and I really don't think I can trust myself. I can't go to the hospital because no one would help me get there or support me when I got out so there's no point and I have no everything on my own. I feel like I'm the only person in the world and logically I know I'm not. But my brain is broken and I can't think with somethiing that's just yelling nonsense 100% of the time.
I've been crying fairly loudly all day and now while I'm typing this. Our house has thin walls, I can hear my mom walking around and still no one checks on me. God doesn't hear me, my own mother doesn't hear me. I give up on all of this. I truly wholeheartedly hate whatever illness I have. It's taken away my entire life and I don't want to scratch and claw just to feel okay for a week if I'm lucky.
I don't know how to explain how it feels to feel and think that I'm hopeless but somehow know that there's a way out I just can't make myself take it. It's illogical because mental illness is illogical. I feel like I'm trying to operate with my soul and my brain won't react. I can't force my brain into any kind of regulation or normalcy. I'm sorry if I've just wasted people's time trying to understand and help me. I always come off like I can form a thought, how I write is completely removed from how I really feel.