I’m new here and kind of just need to vent to someone who understands. For two years, I worked in a negative work environment. There was bullying, sexual harassment, and racial discriminations. Everyone was overworked and sometimes didn’t pay properly. The work environment had many safety concerns and was unsanitary. Management always made us feel like we were machines, and never addressed any complaints. It was bad for everyone, but I think because of my childhood experience, it was triggering and a big hit for my already low self-esteem.
I felt worthless. For months I felt a numbness. I couldn’t focus on my work or keep up. I struggled getting out of bed to get to work on time. People who did care would keep asking me if I was ok, and I would always just say I was tired, but I was really just on the verge of crying most times. I kept my eyes open for other jobs, but one day I just couldn’t take it. I drove to work, sat in my car for a while, and just turned away and drove back home cause I couldn’t even bare the thought of going back inside.
I feel selfish for leaving and weak for not sticking it out until I found another job. I feel like a burden because of the loss of income and struggling to make ends meet. I was hospitalized under a danger to self harm call, and now I have that added bill to pile on everyone else.
I have no motivation. I feel lazy cause I can’t get up from the couch and do my chores. My house is a mess and I have no excuse because I have no where to be. I struggle concentrating on filing out job applications correctly and all the other documents that go with it. I have had a few interviews, but I feel like I can’t even pretend I’m a person long enough to fake a smile or be friendly. The thought of even having to interact with a whole new group of people makes my head hurt.
It doesn’t really matter, cause I have to get back to work. My family depends on it. I just don’t know how to snap out of it. Sorry if this is too much. I don’t really have too many people around that understand this feeling, and I can’t pay for any therapy at the moment. I guess I just need someone’s advice.
I just want to know how do people find the will to work when you have nothing left to give?