Is anyone going through withdrawal of medicines for MDD, because they're not helping?
Withdrawal of medicines: Is anyone... - Major Depressive ...
Withdrawal of medicines
Hi, yes, I have very bad withdrawals. I started going to a compounding pharmacy that turn my pills into liquid, so I can get off of them very, very slow. My body is extremely sensitive to medications. I am sorry you are having a tough time.
I hope you're alright now. I also thought of somehow finding oral solutions instead of tablets especially for benzos. This is because i got into a deep mess, about a year back, by tapering with half baked knowledge. It was horrible. Lucky this time, i got to know the safest protocol after going to a new psychiatrist. So this time, benzo tapering is ok till now. But I'm still having a tough time tapering the antidepressants. This is being done uner psychiatric guidance though.
I am so sorry you went through that - I had a very bad experience getting off and antidepressant. I found a forum that explained about compounding. I was so grateful that I found the forum. Currently I am on a benzo and anti-depressants-I am not getting off them right now. It would probably take me a year and a half to taper off a benzo and almost a year for anti- depressants. I definitely would need to compound off. Most doctors do not know about compounding, and most doctors do not know about medications - they go by what the pharmaceutical companies tell them to do - I know this sounds shocking. Every so often, you'll get a great doctor who actually cares and does their homework. If you consider compounding, you would have to find a compounding pharmacy in your area - you can even find some that ship (unfortunately, they can't ship benzos in the U.S.). I compounded off one of my antidepressants by 10% each month, but each person is different. I let the compounding pharmacy know the % I want to titrate off, they tell me how the doctor has to write the script, and then I let my doctor know. Thank you for your caring response. Keep me updated on you how you're doing. 🙂
I'm glad you found the right method. Please stick to that regimen till the end. In my case, what's working right now is reducing @ 0.25mg every 4 weeks. This way I've come down from 2mg to 1mg of clonazepam. It's ok and i didn't get any of the horrible symptoms that i went through, last time. Will be reducing to 0.75mg today.
Wow. That is amazing. So how many total mg were you on? So if I understood, you are cutting the pills in 4 and coming off one quaeter of a pill for a month at one time? Sorry, yeah, I need more clonezapam. My amxiety is so bad. I don't think a Dr will increase from 3mg to 4mg He'll try to pushb and anti-depressant on me when they don't work. Doctors have become ridiculous about clonezapam becsuse people abuse it. I can't stand that excuse. Some of us totally need it for real. There will always be addicts.
I was at 2mg per day (O.5-0.5-1) which has now come down to 0.75mg per day (0-0-0.75) I reached 0.75mg only yesterday. I live in India and here i get 0.25, 0.5 and 1mg tablets. Yeah, i understand that individual requirements of clonazepam and antidepressants vary widely from person to person. I hope your doctor understands your needs.
I've had to do this a couple of times. It can be rough cause they might have been working..just not enough, so you go down to where you were before you had any drugs in your system. Remember you are doing this to try to find the one that will work. There are so many and each seems to work for certain individuals. You will find the one but it might take a few tries. And this whole community hopes it will be a quick find.,
Thank you so much❤❤ Luckily the meds that I'm tapering did not work for me at all. So atleast that point is out of my mind. But the withdrawal process this time, is the toughest. I've too gone through it many times, but none of them have been so bad except the benzos. This time the benzo is ok but the others are terrible. Two of them are already out of my system but still causing havoc. Only one left other than the benzo.