Are there people whose depression has gotten much worse because of the events of the past several years? The censorship, the dehumanizing attacks when you don't mimic the mainstream narrative, the psyop being directed at you if you don't agree with what the authorities tell you . . . I don't recognize this country anymore. And being from a "3rd World" corrupt country, it is clear as day that the US is now there. I don't want to go political. But the banana republic this place has become and the COVID lies are the source of extreme despondency for me. I don't see a reason to be hopeful about anything. The world is insane; the elite are drooling over the power grab that's happening. I don't know how one copes with this.
If you think I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist, please just ignore this post. I don't want to get attacked on this site, too. I'm tired of being belittled or called horrible names because of my beliefs. I want to hear from people who understand my point of view and can offer insights. Well, even if you can't offer insights, it helps me to be able to commiserate, too.