I’ve become kind of cold towards people, just not caring. I’m still polite and all.
How can a person overcome bitterness? - Major Depressive ...
How can a person overcome bitterness?

Hi Aguila1794. How are you doing today? What are you bitter about?
I’m alright, how are you? Just don’t care much anymore. It’s been this way for a while.
I am having a good day. I actually went out for a walk by myself which is a big deal for me. So you aren't really bitter about a certain thing someone did, you just don't care much anymore in general?
Glad yours is good. I really don’t give a damn.
Well you said you are still polite so that is a positive. Since you are even mentioning it shows that you do care somewhat. That you wish it were different.
I guess, still having suicidal ideations. I don’t have access to guns at the moment.
I’m about to go to work. I’ll text later when I can.
Yes. I will be here later tonight if you want to talk. I hope work goes well for you.
I don’t know when you go to bed, I should be home by 11. I just wanted to let you know, so you can think about it, I’ve decided to plan my end roughly a year from now. Hopefully in that time God will give me a reason to stay.
I am up until 12:00 Eastern time. I don't know what time zone you are in. I will be here to talk.
Central time. Sounds good
No that won't work. It means it will be 12:00 for me when it is 11:00 for you. If we can't talk tonight, maybe we can talk tomorrow. Will you be around at all?
I hope the bad thoughts have passed. They usually do
The one about your plan for a year's time?
You have a plan but your giving yourself a year....this tells me it's not really what you want and god gives you a reason everyday if you look hard enough.

You’re right in several ways. I am a Christian, but have found myself in a point in life when everything is not as it seems. I’ve lost my way.
Like what's the point? I get that but there must be a point... something small or insignificant that we do could possibly change the world or another person's life
Why a year by the way,? If you don't mind me asking

Inspiration from a movie
OK fair enough. Please tell me what movie if you feel you want to .

V for Vendetta
So you feel An injustice has been done?

I haven’t thought about in that way. It feels like He’s abandoned me, leaving me to suffer.
He? God?

Faith is a big deal and a very delicate thread. No proof but test after test . It seems unfair
Hi Aguila, Midori again.
It's tough when you feel that even your Deity has abandoned you, but perhaps (I don't know how to put this to you) He's giving you a chance to help yourself?
Bitterness is self-poison, please fight it.
I have often felt myself abandoned by family, friends and the Universe, but at 75, I can spit in their eye! I have made it through the toughest times, and come out the other side. I have proved to myself that I am worthy of my life, and I don't need them to prove it to me. As I said about a week ago I am no Churchgoer, but I follow Jesus.
You have found us, I don't know anyone here who hasn't been through mental trauma. Some of us leave when we have been helped, and some stay to help others in their turn.
I would try to help more , how about following me? You are no trouble, and if you find sleep difficult, I am on GMT, so about 6 hours earlier than you. So, if it helps, please feel free.
My son is very depressed at the moment, at optical testing he has been found to have micro aneurisms, so he has been referred to the hospital re a possible diabetes diagnosis. He's 34, and my carer, so he is bricking it, and I am trying to bring him back down to earth as well as managing some anxiety myself. Losing his sight is the worst thing he can imagine, and it won't help me much either. Still, it is what it is. Hopefully, tomorrow we may get an appointment with the GP.
Chat soon, Midori.
This is a safe space and you can message me direct if you don't want others to read
Hi. I think it's the depression that's making you feel that way. As long as your polite, you're not hurting anyone.