Can I come here and ask for help or to vent?
Can I share ? : Can I come here and ask... - Major Depressive ...
Can I share ?

Yeah vent away if it helps.
Over the last few years all my progress I've made and my mindset has been taken away or destroyed. It started when my husband and I got married nobody was really there for me, it made me feel like I was an absolute nobody who was unlovable, undeserving etc. My best friend betrayed me for someone they barely knew and we haven't talked much since the wedding. My mom came into the picture and caused me problems. I was really looking forward to having a family w my husband. A natural birth which inwanted for both of us but I know it's out of the picture along w all of my dreams. He wanted to wait to see how our marriage went which i understand. Seems like things always come up ,work , personal obligations or tired. I've been tired and he hasn't been able to sexually perform and that makes him upset. Job changes, job losses. People have been treating me horribly and lately my husband and I have been struggling and I miss us. I feel like I'm losing him. Job pressure, world issues. Worried about my future our future. I'm selfish. I keep trying to think what he may be going through. Been feeling like I don't matter, my dreams wants needs don't matter. Feeling like I have nobody to talk to. Hope here is safe and anonymous. Been feeling like he doesn't love me, want me , or even wanted kids w me that's been hurting. Been putting myself down bad. How do I get us back, didn't want pain and I was in a good place how do I get there again
Racewac844, how is you sleep? For me, sleep is the most important thing, a long with exercise - mainly, because it helps me sleep better. If I am sleeping well and getting some exercise then I also tend to eat better as well. Are there any sports or activities you enjoy doing by yourself or with others? There are lots of meet up groups and similar to join people to hike or jog or do whatever interests you. I believe that everything is connected and that is why I try to approach my own mental health challenges by improving my physical health. But, what worked for you in the past? I have somewhat mixed feelings about religion and Buddhism, although I have enjoyed and found helpful many of the audiobook and books by the late zen master Thic Naht Hanh, mainly his focus on the present moment and avoiding overthinking.
My sleep isn't good or my motivation. Uts like everything I care about is being destroyed
Maybe you can try to improve sleep just a bit. For me, I have found turning off my phone and leaving it down stairs really helps. There are a lot of free little libraries near me that people stick up in their front yard. I borrowed an old western novel by Louis La'Amour last week, I enjoyed them when I was young, honestly, it is kind of boring but it helps me fall asleep and so much better than reading news or scrollton social media.
I think the advice you got fr Sunrise is very sound. My son has been sayin' the same thing to me, and from a few mths of very little sleep 2023/2024 and the resultant outcome, almost complete breakdown, severe anxiety, had to live with my daughter for several mths etc, i know how important sleep is. Ended up taking sleeping tablets for 7 wks. While not sleeping, i felt i was managing fine but now i know the outcome......In fact all the comments from sunrise
are pretty sound.
If you have no motivation i know it's v diffucult to do anything, read, walk, exercise or whatever.
Try and start with addressing the sleep
Best of luck
I think the advice you got fr Sunrise is very sound. My son has been sayin' the same thing to me, and from a few mths of very little sleep 2023/2024 and the resultant outcome, almost complete breakdown, severe anxiety, had to live with my daughter for several mths etc, i know how important sleep is. Ended up taking sleeping tablets for 7 wks. While not sleeping, i felt i was managing fine but now i know the outcome......In fact all the comments from sunrise
are pretty sound.
If you have no motivation i know it's v diffucult to do anything, read, walk, exercise or whatever.
Try and start with addressing the sleep
Best of luck