I have MDD , C- PTSD and I'm a 39 year old female. I have many health problems and I'm just looking for someone that understands. I feel alone alot. These problems isolate me .
Just looking for a friend that unders... - Major Depressive ...
Just looking for a friend that understands.

Hello and Welcome. I just wanted to invite you to also join Anxiety and Depression Support on this site if you haven't already. It is much more active. There are people posting all day every day. HealthUnlocked is a great place to connect with people who understand.
I have Agoraphobia/Panic. I can relate. Going thru therapy and have the same feelings. How can we be of help to each other?
you are not alone ☀️
Here , you will find support and encouragement
Reach out and share your feelings
Are you talking to a therapist? Try journaling, get some sunshine, meditation, medication, a daily purpose/routine, spirituality
I have had depression/anxiety since I was a child and I’m in my 50’s now
It’s an illness that is not curable bout absolutely manageable
It’s taken me many, many years to learn that this illness requires a PLAN- it’s not just one thing- like medication
There are days I backslide but then realize I’m missing one of my essential tools to fight it
It’s a balance, take baby steps, you can do it and are so worth it !!!!!
Reach out any time
Hope you start to have better days
There is hope !!!
Oh I loved this. Thank you. We are in the same stage of life. I’ve dealt with it on and off all my life too.
oh I totally can empathize. I also have MDD and I deal with Degenerative Disc disease in my neck , shoulders and hips. I just had a hip replacement 4 months ago and have been in a terrible depression with anxiety. I’m 57. Female. Every day is a struggle right now to hold down a job that should be easy because it’s primarily remote. I find it hard to focus though. Do you take any medications or get therapy? I’m seeing a new therapist tomorrow and praying there is a connection. I can’t keep putting my family and friends through listening to me. No one seems to be able to help. It’s up to us and it’s so hard. I get it. Just wanted you to know my heart goes out to you.
I have major depression.anxiety.scoliosis of the spine. Osteoarthritis in back knees. I have had a terrible time in finding a therapist that understands me and help me work through all this trauma. I'm in my 50's and there is a big world out there and I'm letting life pass me by. I have no friends. I have a adult daughter who is also dealing with depression and anxiety. My husband is in bad health. I need someone I can call a friend someone I can open up to and trust.
I feel the same way. Very isolated. I too suffer from PTSD. This has affected everything in my life. Long-term relationships with anyone also. I am not able to make money and hold down a job. I also have chronic pain I live with everyday. Is this similar to what you are going through? Nobody seems to understand. I understand you!
If you want to talk please reach out.
Hi.. I am also suffering from a lot of mental issues. I can totally understand and relate. Even I am looking for a friend. Apways happy to help and provide a patient and non- judgemental hearing. Much love