HHM Training - Week 9 Day 3 - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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HHM Training - Week 9 Day 3

Dodgylungs profile image
DodgylungsHalf Marathon
18 Replies

OK I have to admit that I’m in trouble. I haven’t done any running since the Jeffed 10 miler on Sunday, mainly because my back has now started causing me serious jip. I went to see my doctor and she confirmed that I do indeed have a hernia. I decided a 3 day rest was required and to cut the training down radically to just two or three days a week - frankly, whatever I can manage.

So tonight I set off on the treadmill to run a 12K tempo run - 8K of it was the tempo the rest of it was warm up and warm down. I got to 35 minutes (which was this week’s recovery run distance) and felt good and then I got a spasm in the part of my back which seized up on Sunday, on the bottom left side. When I used to run 5Ks regularly this was always where I started to experience pain but the distances back then weren’t long enough to debilitate me. Tonight I immediately stopped and decided to call it a 35 minute recovery run.

I bought myself an acupressure mat which I’ve been using a lot for the last couple of days. I’ve been stretching and using volterol on my back and then experienced spasm on the right side of the back earlier on today too. A sorry state of affairs all round. On the plus side I’ve reached my target for sponsorship money for Macmillan which I’m delighted about!

I’m not pulling out of the run but I will most likely have to walk half of the run at this point. It’s a shame because I know I have it in the tank to achieve the distance, just all of these niggles are against me right now.

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Dodgylungs profile image
Half Marathon
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18 Replies
Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon

Oh dear. I think you’re right to assume you’ll be walking some of the race but that’s ok, lots of people do. Perhaps you could consider just “ticking over” until race day. You’ve done 10 miles and other long runs so a good rest and short runs might do you a lot of good and give the hernia a chance to rest.

Of course, you’re disappointed but there will be other races, so get yourself fixed after this one and then you can train pain-free and enjoy it more.

Take care.

Dodgylungs profile image
DodgylungsHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

Yes I think ticking over is the order of the next few weeks!

linda9389 profile image

And breathe! Well done for cutting the run short today. You need to rest that back and get it ready to run. You've already run 10 miles - many HM plans don't go further than that, leaving the atmosphere of the day to make up the difference. Many training plans, especially for a first half marathon will only ever have three runs a week anyway. You have the distance and you have some time. But you need some REST and time for your back muscles to calm down from the current inflammation. Running and walking is a perfectly good strategy (and will make it much easier to get a PB on your second Half Marathon!). Take care. And REST!

Dodgylungs profile image
DodgylungsHalf Marathon in reply to linda9389

Yes exactly. I’m going to try a gentle swim today and then a super super slow run tomorrow.

skysue16 profile image
skysue16Half Marathon

Sorry to hear about your back 😕 but well done for reaching for fund raising target 👍. Rest up.

Dodgylungs profile image
DodgylungsHalf Marathon in reply to skysue16

Thank you!

misswobble profile image

Oh bloody ell! 😬

You know for some weeks now you’ve been anxious. The back spasm might be that! Sounds insane but I’ve had it myself. I ended up at an emergency chiro. I got an extra strong Ibufren Paramol cocktail 🙈 from my gp.

The chiro said the voltarol can’t penetrate deep enough, as I’d been trying that.

You might need to just stop running! keep walking, and if you do the run just manage your expectations. Once you’ve reigned yourself to not gunning it, and taking the pressure off yourself, you might be surprised 🙂

Take care of that bod! 🙂

Dodgylungs profile image
DodgylungsHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

Well I started off very positively but my constant injury niggles have derailed me and created anxiety. My back has been behaving itself for a while but has now flared up. I slipped a disc in my 20s and it’s never been the same since, but I’ve managed it over the years. That is on the right side. The left side injury I think is specifically caused by running and is a repetitive strain injury. I used to get it a lot but hasn’t happened for over a year. However, the longer distances have caused it to flare up. I think I’ll try and squeeze a few swims in over the next few weeks and see if that helps to alleviate it. I’ll take an enforced rest until the back has cleared up and go swimming instead of running. Let’s see if that has the desired effect. I don’t want all of this training to go for nothing but it seems my body is in need of repair.

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Dodgylungs

I have tended to get calf strains about the month before race days and ended up doing no running in the three weeks before race day. I put it down to pre race nerves causing me to get tense.

Three weeks of not running at all before a ten mile race saw me more fatigued by the end than I might otherwise have been but I got through it without breaking down 🙂

It’s a rotten thing to happen but life is like that. The doc told me of ibufren/neurofen does have an anti-ibflammatory element to it but that it took a while to kick in. I made anti-inflammatory smoothies to Scott Jurek’s recipe. I’ll dig it out and let you have it 🙂

Dodgylungs profile image
DodgylungsHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

Thank you. Amazing that you managed 10 miles after 3 weeks of no running at all. I had a lung x-ray which was clear, so that has put my mind at rest for that niggle. My back feels better today but as soon as I start running anything over 5K I know the bottom left side is going to flare up. I always get cramp on any distance over 12K and I definitely have a hernia. I haven’t even mentioned an ongoing hamstring issue from playing football. So today I will go for a gentle swim and tomorrow I’ll attempt a super super slow run and see how far I get. I don’t feel in any way defeated or disheartened. I probably should but I just want to make sure I’m in some kind of shape before the big day. Another issue is they’ve sent me an unreadable map of the route. I’ve emailed Limelight 5 times about giving me exact directions of where the race starts and what time and have had no response. Even getting to Hackney is going to be touch and go. Probably have to park some distance away from the run. Any suggestions?

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Dodgylungs

That’s a bit worrying! I’ve had a race planned but worrying lack of detail had me scurrying for proper details which hadn’t been forthcoming Turned out the race had been binned but the organiser hadn’t told paid punters. It was a local run club that told me they knew but it was independents like me who were left in the dark 🤨.

There should be a named race director with contact details as races have to be in accordance with regs Have a search on Google using race name and organiser. The other route is via the event payment folks

That’s another worry you don’t need. 🤨.

Getting near, parking up, and using the tube or cab If there’s an event Facebook page that might shed light as others will be discussing it on there

Knowing how to get there will be a weight off your mind. I once parked at my sister’s for the race I mentioned above, and took the footpath from her house to the start. I took the wrong turning though and ended up several kms from the venue 😱. I legged it and got there just in time to get to the loo and collect my race number 😤

Best laid plans ey ☺️

RunABC might have your race listed and show details

Frizzbomb67 profile image
Frizzbomb6710 Miles

Sorry to hear you are bring plagued by injuries ☹️ There’s no shame in walking some of the way. The sponsorship is the important thing. Get your bling and be proud. Hope things settle soon but do take care of yourself.

Dodgylungs profile image
DodgylungsHalf Marathon in reply to Frizzbomb67

Thank you!

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Dodgylungs

I just looked on Hackney Moves Facebook and clicked on the route map link. I was able to expand it slightly on my iPad Have another go 👍. It shows the start near Hackney marshes/Homerton Rd end. The nearest station looks to Homerton

You could then look on a satellite map on Google etc for a closer look👀

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to misswobble

I tried to copy the link to post it here but it wouldn’t let me

It’s on Limelight’s Twitter account too 👍

Dodgylungs profile image
DodgylungsHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

Wow! Thank you. I’ll check it out. They also haven’t sent me a number to pin on my running vest but I do have my entry ticket! 😂

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Dodgylungs

I saw on their Facebook that someone was complaining about lack of response and there was a reply and link. That might be worth a try

Dodgylungs profile image
DodgylungsHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

Glad I’m not the only one then!

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