HM training week15 day2 - intervals - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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HM training week15 day2 - intervals

47 Replies

One more run to go before Sunday’s half. I was in two minds about running today, or even at all before Sunday, as my knee is still niggling and was puffy yesterday - but I already missed a week so I decided to go out and see. Seems ok now, but I don’t expect to get round in anything less than three hours (probably longer) as I’m almost certainly going to have to nurse it round, especially the last 5k or so. VO2 MAX down from 39 to 37: not surprising as the traditional annual Michaelmas fair that’s been outside our house and all up and down our street for three days, was packing up till 4am this morning, so sleep was somewhat disturbed. Still, 37 is still classed as elite for an old bird. Talking of which, I forgot to put my wrinkly arm cream on this morning, so I probably thoroughly terrified the kids on their way to school.

So just a 40 minute slow run on Friday, then it’s nail biting time! 😳

47 Replies
MikeJones68 profile image
MikeJones68Half Marathon

You'll be fine, Flick. I know you'll do it :) x

in reply to MikeJones68

Thank you lovely Mike. I don’t expect to do it as fast as I would have in the summer, but hopefully I will get round, even if I have to hobble the last bit x

MikeJones68 profile image
MikeJones68Half Marathon in reply to

You'll be fine, and I'll be thinking of you x

in reply to MikeJones68

Thank you ❤️ Very much appreciated x

Teresa1632 profile image

You'll pull it out of the bag come race day. And your virtual running buddies here will be pushing you on.

PS: Arm wrinkle cream? I need that in my life! I'm already scaring all the kids, and the finish line photos show me with arms of a 100 year old :(

in reply to Teresa1632

Thank you- I hope so!!! I’m sure it will be ok on the day.

Ah, yes, Nivea Q10 body firming lotion - certainly improves things 😂😂😂

roseabi profile image

Good stuff!

So annoying about the knee. If it helps, I ran my first half with a bad knee and I still had the most fun! I stopped every now and then - I found a bit of quad-stretching helped! And I took plenty of walk breaks. It was all good! 😊

Enjoy your final week-and-a-half xxx

in reply to roseabi

Thanks Abi, thats reassuring. i was saying to Sadie on Strava that i find stopping more helpful than walking. Walking hurts on a long run but running doesn't. If I stop to take a photo, K always get my second wind. Well, this time on Sunday i will be underway so we shall see xxx

limberlou profile image
limberlouHalf Marathon

Oh no!! I’m sure it will hold up in the day Flick. My chest is feeling better after I got a new inhaler. My preventative one had packed up. But my hip is really playing up. I don’t know if it’s inactivity or something else but it’s a nuisance going up and down stairs. “Old age don’t come alone “does it? 🤣🤣. I have a sports massage booked but not till NEXT Friday - wish it was this week.

Good luck for Sunday - I’m sure you will be brilliant and il keep fingers crossed for decent weather 🤞

in reply to limberlou

Thanks lovely. i'm glad you've got your inhaler sorted. i wouldn't necessarily blame old age for the aches and pains. i've noticed younger runners seem to get more problems than i do, and mine are caused by old injury. I hope it sorts itself out for you anyway. xx

Stephen_UK profile image
Stephen_UKHalf Marathon

Rest that knee all you can. And good luck! Looking forward to reading your race report.

in reply to Stephen_UK

Thank you! Just one gentle run on Friday and that’s it!

Stephen_UK profile image
Stephen_UKHalf Marathon in reply to

Exciting times!

I’m sure you’ll be fine flick!🎃🎃👏

in reply to

Thank you for your faith in me. . Love the pumpkins 😊xx

in reply to

Always! .......Yes it’s that time of year again. My favourite time is autumn with beautiful colours of nature.🤗🤗🎃🎃

in reply to

I love the autumn too, but I prefer summer for running. The moment the heat diminishes my energy does too 🤨

in reply to

I’m the opposite. When the summers here I’m snookered ! But this time of year I have more energy. Perhaps it because originally I’m from “ beyond the wall” ha! So lm used to the cold weather and love wrapping up and getting out there.🏃‍♀️🤗🤗🎃x

in reply to

Ah, whereas I spent a chunk of my childhood in Iraq and Cyprus. The heat energised me and the cold has the opposite effect! I think

I ought to live in a Mediterranean country 😂

in reply to


alisonx profile image

Oh Flick...i'm so excited for you. All the training you have put in is about to pay off. I hope the weather is favorable on the day and that the knee holds out. Enjoy the experience and i can't wait to read the race report :-) You really are amazing!

in reply to alisonx

Thank you so much! I’m doing it if I have to drag myself round 😂 Sunday is forecast to be rainy, but 16 degrees. Rain is fine, it will refresh me and wash the sweat off 😊❤️

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon

You can do it Flick, you have put so much training for that HM over the last two months or more, just take your last training run on Friday slow and steady, thank goodness that dogem has gone from outside your home, now at least you will be able to get a decent night's sleep.

in reply to AlMorr

Thank you Al. I’m looking forward to it now. The support from you all has been amazing, and you’ve been with me every step of the way on this journey (3 months I think!)

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon in reply to


backintime profile image
backintime10 Miles

You are a constant inspiration - arm wrinkle cream or not!

If it's that scary, maybe you could leave it off for halloween :D

I will be thinking of you on Sunday while I'm dragging myself around on my long run - do let us know how it goes

in reply to backintime

Bless you ❤️😊 Good Halloween tip with the wrinkly arms btw 🤣🤣🤣

You may be sure I will be bursting to write up the race, whatever happens

BethMay profile image
BethMayHalf Marathon10 Miles

We’ll all be cheering you on Flick! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

in reply to BethMay

Thank you lovely. The support on here has got me to this stage 😊

BethMay profile image
BethMayHalf Marathon10 Miles in reply to

It’s amazing isn’t it? Runners are the most generous and supportive bunch!! xx

in reply to BethMay

It’s all those endorphins making us feel happy xxx

linda9389 profile image

That's a tough regime you're following - intervals just a handful of days before the race? My only intervals at this point were meal/high carb snack/meal/high carb snack - repeat as many times as possible :D

in reply to linda9389

Only two lots of four minutes in zone 4/5 instead of three lots of five minutes though 😂

Don’t worry, I’m doing plenty of the carb type repeats 😊

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

Oh Flick, I’m so excited for you. It’s nearly time! I’ll be thinking of you on Sunday. All the very best of luck and please tell us how it goes! You’ll smash it. 🏃‍♀️👍🏅🎉💪

in reply to cheekychipmunks

I appreciate your faith in me. Not sure about smashing it with my knee playing up, but I’m determined to get round 😊 xxxx

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Half Marathon

You’ll be fine Flick. You’ve trained so well to prepare. Have you got a strap or something to support your knee or does that just make it worse? Look forward to your report xx

in reply to Sandie1961

how strange, I replied to this on my phone last night and it posted, but I can't see it on here. anyway, what i said was thank you, and I always wear support on that knee because it was injured long ago. i once went for a run without and it swelled up. xx

Lordi profile image

Good luck Flick. You can do it! Walk the water stations to get a good drink and a bit of recovery in too. My last run was last Sunday and I'm only jogging 3k Thurs before my HM on Sat. And I'm mainly eating lots of carbs today :-) Can't wait for your usual literary post-victory write-up ;-)

in reply to Lordi

Thank you for believing in me more than i do at this point! I'm a bit sad as i don't think I will be anything like as fast as I was in the summer before my knee started niggling again. I'm carrying a litre of Tailwind so will only use the water stations if i run out or feel extra thirsty. A litre or less of Tailwind and a Nak'd bar got me round my ten and a half miles in August heat. Heyho we shall see x

GoGo_JoJo profile image

Fingers crossed for you Flick 🤞🏻 I know you can do it but I really hope you don't suffer along the way. 💕

in reply to GoGo_JoJo

Thanks Jo. Suffer or not, I’m doing it even if it’s on hands and knees 😑 I’m not expecting anything under three hours at the most optimistic, given my dodgy knee playing up x

Irish-John profile image

Once over the Start nerves we all have first time out, I bet my bottom dollar you'll have a blast Flick :) You are a Trooper! :)

in reply to Irish-John

Thank you, every bit of encouragement helps. Fingers crossed my knee cooperates x

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnMarathon in reply to

Slow, steady and enjoy :)

in reply to Irish-John

It will be very slow thanks to the dodgy knee! 😂

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

The nail biting will stop as soon as you start running FlickM3. You will find your own space, your own pace and cruise through it !!😊👍👍👍👏👏

in reply to Beachcomber66

Thank you - my main worry is the loo, apart from the knee that it.

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