Today's was 10mins warmup in zones 1&2, 15mins in zone 2, 15mins in zone 4, 5mins cool down in zones 1&2.
I woke at 4.30 after a restless night and decided to get up early and run before it got too hot. There was a storm in the night with spectacular lightning and torrential rain. so it was wet and very humid this morning. So dogs out first (one refused to crap and the other refused to wee, so i was walking them round and round getting more and more irritated ... grrr ... ) and then I took myself out.
I'd forgotten how beautiful it can be early on a summer's morning. The world was washed clean, sparkling with rain on every leaf, the sun floated like a coin in a sky of cloth of gold, and a giant thistle in someone's garden pulsed with saturated purple against its ghostly pale leaves. Further into the run, that same sun was speared by the church spire, reminding me of these words from the The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam: "Awake! for Morning in the Bowl of Night, Has flung the Stone that puts the Stars to Flight: And Lo! the Hunter of the East has caught The Sultan's Turret in a Noose of Light." Beyond the church, the river was alight with gold too, reflections of sun and cloud melting and pooling. Hanging baskets of flowers on the railings glowed with soft colour and gave out perfume. All very exotic.
Well, enough of the poetic stuff. The run was tough. All that damp from last nights rain meant it was like wading through a sauna. I was really out of breath just running very slowly in zone 2 (I was channelling Quentin Crisp, as Gary advised, muttering hello sailor, ooh ducky as i minced along). Going from a lumbering zone 2 up into zone 4 was a shock to the system and I was panting, forcing myself to keep going, wishing at every step that I could slow down. It got easier after a while though. But I'm totally incapable of getting my heart rate back down into zones 1&2 again for the cool down five minutes. I guess that will come as I get fitter.
But tis done. Tomorrow is a rest day, so swimming in the morning. I must be improving: I no longer feel knackered and ready for that rest day. Heyho ...