HM training week14 day4 - intervals - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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HM training week14 day4 - intervals

18 Replies

15 minute warmup in zones 1, 2 & 3, 2mins zone 3, 5mins zones 4&5, 2mins zone 3, 5mins zones 4&5, 2mins zone 3, 5mins cool down in zones 1&2

SUCH a relief to stretch my legs today with intervals after all the slow running, though the pavements were wet and slippery with a lot of leaves and pine needles underfoot, so I was very cautious and took it slower than I would have liked. I’m still running one or two minutes a kilometre slower than a year ago. But my VO2 Max is now 38, which is top end elite apparently for an old girl of 72, so at least I’m fit. However, I’m extremely sceptical of my watch’s optimistic prediction of running a half in 2hrs 38min as I’m just not fast enough.

18 Replies
Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon

Ooh elite! How fabulous is that? That must spur you on 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️You’ve worked hard for that Flick 🥵

Don’t underestimate the atmosphere on the day, that’ll give you adrenaline and energy xxx

in reply to Irishprincess

Thank you lovely. and you're right. i knocked 10 minutes off my 10k time doing the BHF 10k race at Blenheim last year over a hilly course. Though what i learned from that was not to start off fast - I nearly passed out at the end when i stopped running! xxx

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon

O Flick, an old girl of 72, no way, you are young in heart,72 is only a number, be particularly careful with all those leaves around, I would not want you to slip and fall as your half marathon is only just over a week away.

in reply to AlMorr

thank you lovely Al. Well I'm quite pleased to have a VO2 Max trhat high at my age :) And yes to careful with the leaves! x

GoGo_JoJo profile image

You're definitely in the elite in my book!

The predictions are amusing at times, my Garmin thinks I could do FM in 3.30... yea think again!

I do think you'll surprise yourself though 👍🏻😁😉

in reply to GoGo_JoJo

Aw thank you - though speak for yourself, you're an inspiration! And yes, on the day with music and crowds and other runners, I think I should be ok. As i said to her royal Irish highness above, I knocked 10mins off my 10k time at Blenheim last year. I must be firm with myself and start out slowly and increase through the zones gradually. It's too easy to go off fast with the excitement on the day, then tire halfway round x

limberlou profile image
limberlouHalf Marathon

Wow!! elite eh? I can’t get my VO2 Max above 29, it’s 28 at the mo , yet LAST summer before my injury I was at 34. Hey ho!!

I haven’t run for a week now because of a headache and tight chest after the reflux issues. So frustrating but I can barely get up the stairs I’m so breathless. I wonder if there is a new pollen around, at the mo,that I’ve decided to react to 🤣🤣

in reply to limberlou

I think time off really knocks your fitness back. i could hardly run in May after my injury. 28/9 is not to be sniffed at. It decreases with age, and men are higher than women. I've been training hard for weeks, which is why mine is so high. i wouldn't want to put myself through this all the time! x

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoUltramarathon in reply to limberlou

I always get another pollen hit in autumn, I think it's certain trees

backintime profile image
backintime10 Miles in reply to GoGo_JoJo

yes, it's some trees and spores I think, I'm wheezy at the moment too

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon

Well done on your run! It really does feel like we are deep into autumn now. And why is it I forget every year the peril of wet leaves underfoot?! 😱

Fab VO2 Flick! You are a fitty. 😁 And you know, you will probably pick up your pace on race day - the adrenaline and crowd support helps with that! (But you also have to be wary of it too, it’s a fine line!)

Sadie xxx

in reply to Sadie-runs

Thank you dearest :) Yes indeed for monitoring speed. As I've ,mentioned above, i learned that at Blenheim last year, to my cost, when I felt faint and couldn't breathe at the end of the race. Partly i went off to fast and exhausted myself, and partly i went from run to stationary without walking in between. xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply to

You got this. 👍 xxx

in reply to Sadie-runs

gods i hope so!!!! xxx

misswobble profile image

You never know 😃 💪👍🏃‍♀️

in reply to misswobble


misswobble profile image

I have every faith in you even if you don’t 😁💪👊✊🏃‍♀️😁😁😁

in reply to misswobble

Thank you ❤️😊 I know I will be ok once I get going. Most of my worries are silly things like will I get enough sleep the night before, will I do a poo when I get up, will I need a wee going round(the loos are some distance from the start and it takes a while for the race to get going but you have to be there at a certain time - I don’t know why they couldn’t start in University Parks by the loos like they did for Town & Gown)? Oh and will I lose my way - ridiculous, that one, as there are several thousand other runners and I won’t be at the front!!!

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