HM training week9 day2 tempo run - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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HM training week9 day2 tempo run

15 Replies

Really tired today. I’ve not slept well the last few nights and it’s seriously holding back my running. I forgot about the phase in zone 4, did fifteen minutes in zone 3, thought phew, I couldn’t have kept going any longer - then up came the orange phase band at the top of my watch , 13 minutes in zone 4, so keep going longer I had to! Not helped when I heaved myself past a weedy bearded bloke. “take your time! Are you running a marathon?” he quipped, puffing on a fag.

Anyway, it’s done and I survived. As a reward, when I saved my run, my watch burst into orgasm to let me know I’d reached my goal for the day, so there are some compensations! 😂 I’m seriously glad it’s a non running day and just swimming tomorrow, as I need a break. I can honestly say if I’d had to run a half marathon today, I wouldn’t have got round,

15 Replies
Clairecandothis profile image
ClairecandothisMarathonHalf Marathon

The heat is draining Flick and lack of sleep. Silly little man.... why do people who don't try feel the need to pass comment on those who do?! Your training is definitely updating to train you for zone 3 and zone 4. You are doing great, but enjoy resting too xx

in reply to Clairecandothis

Yeah, I normally sleep fine even when it’s very hot, but I’ve been restless recently. The run today was quite a lot cooler though and I was chilly in the shade. I’m looking forward to tomorrow without a run - normally I miss running on my two rest days. The good thing is I’m not doing this around a job and childcare, so it’s easier for me.

The weedy beardy bloke was a tosser. I felt like asking him to show me how it’s done. But it highlights the way school sports days condition all of us to think running is fast sprinting on a track.

How are you doing after your epic recent run? Xx

Clairecandothis profile image
ClairecandothisMarathonHalf Marathon in reply to

It really does doesn't it. I hate that he thought he could comment! It is amazing how much sleep or not affects running. Your body knows when you need the rest.

I'm surprisingly ok.... my legs felt it but not too bad. I ran a short 5k on Tuesday just to keep them moving and now I have a slow zone 2 20 min run and then a 2 hour run Friday. I'm also going to run 27k this week and then 30k the week after and thats it.

I think I've finally figured out how our zones will keep me on track and pace me for the marathon. I'm going to try and program my watch to run for 3 hours at zone 3 just so I have the structure. I need to stop trying to get faster and accept that my marathon is about pacing and staying steady to finish. It's getting close now! Xx

in reply to Clairecandothis

You’re doing great Claire. I think you’re doing the right thing aiming to get round without exhausting yourself. If you do another, you will have a better idea of pace etc. I haven’t read a book on running yet where the author didn’t walk some of a marathon, including really experienced marathon runners, so if you run the lot you will be in a minority. I’m so looking forward to your race report - I fully expect you to say it wasn’t as tough as you’d expected! Xx

Clairecandothis profile image
ClairecandothisMarathonHalf Marathon in reply to

Haha thank you Flick. I think it might well be but rose tinted glasses and euphoria at doing it may colour my judgement! 😂😂 xx

Decker profile image

Well done Flick, you are doing great. It really is doubly hard running in the heat. Our heat recently broke and the runs have been so much easier.

in reply to Decker

Thank you 😀

It was actually quite cool this morning, which meant I could keep the hr down better. Still warm enough to work up a sweat though!

Katnap profile image

Cooler conditions are coming! 😁

in reply to Katnap

I’m sad really. I love summer running. Just it’s been very humid at night, which doesn’t normally bother me, but seems to have disturbed my sleep lately

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon

I know how you feel, Flick. I woke up multiple times last night confused as to why I was so hot and sweaty, and when my alarm went at 5:30am (wanted to get out early for my long 'un today), I felt so knackered! It has quite surprised me how tired this training has made me. Long nap planned for this afternoon, now that it is 10 degrees cooler!

You are doing amazingly well on your plan – and just think, when you run your race it WILL be so much cooler. As for weedy bloke – pffft! Idiot.

Sadie xxx

in reply to Sadie-runs

Thank you dearest Sadie ❤️

From time to time during this training, I get tired. Mostly I feel great, fitter than I was 20 years ago. Then the plan ups the pressure and I flag. Then I adjust and feel good again. But disturbed sleep is a problem. It makes me wonder how I managed to run at all last year because I was sleep deprived the whole time I lived in Chipping Norton. There was a disturbing energy in the house there. The dogs and cats were unsettled too, but when we moved here they were so much more relaxed from literally the first day.

Let’s hope we both get some more sleep soon. You are doing so well. Xxx

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon

You survived, that is the main thing, I have good news for you, its to get much cooler by the end of the week.

in reply to AlMorr

But I don’t want it to be cooler. It wasn’t hot today ☹️

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon

Lol Flick, I am just wondering what your perfect temperature is for running, mine is around 10 to 15C, the fifties in old money, Fahrenheit, by the way I ran my first full 10K this morning officially in a time of 1.73.08 but my split 10k time was 1.73.03, only five seconds of a difference, not too concerned about that, I enjoyed the run.

I’m happy running in 30 degrees of heat or more, as long as I’ve got my head covered and electrolyte fluid with me. The only reason I sometimes bitch about the heat is during this heart rate zone training: it’s really hard to keep in the lower zones when it’s hot.

Hey, well done for your 10k. I’m confused about your time though. One hour 73 minutes???

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