Hey guys is does anyone else have lumps that have... - LUPUS UK


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Hey guys is does anyone else have lumps that have an appearance like warts on their hands and feet from lupus?? :(

Rhee profile image
21 Replies
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Rhee profile image
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21 Replies

Do you think they could just be warts? Don't mean to be rude but I have had warts on my hands and feet at various difference times in my life. They are viral and not likely to have anything specifically to do with lupus in my admittedly non-expert opinion. Others will no doubt prove me wrong.

The trouble with this disease is that it turns us into hypochondriacs - always wondering where the last thing came from and what the next thing will be.

Nightjar profile image
Nightjar in reply to

For me, the trouble with this disease was not that I turned into a hypochondriac. The trouble was being called a hypochondriac (..too many times) - by family as well as medical 'professionals'!). It took 40 years before I was diagnosed with SLE - and during a lot of that time I actually thought my many peculiar symptoms were in my head. I do understand what you mean b u t am protesting against your use of the word ..in the nicest possible way. ;)

Lupus patients are not hypochondriacs! xxx

Rhee profile image

I genuinely dont think they are warts, sounds mad but i was watching Embarrassing bodies a few weeks ago and a guy on there was going through exactly what i was and they finally realised it was due to his lupus. Iv tried every treatment thinking they are warts. Creams and cryotherapy. My dermatologist isnt sure either so i am being reffered to a lupus specialist now. Doesnt look nice on my fingers and feet at all.

ShellW profile image
ShellW in reply to Rhee

Hi Rhee sounds awful. Unfortunately they may just be warts but that doesn't mean they aren't painful and embarassing. Cryotherapy treats warts (caused by a virus) by damaging them with the extreme cold and your body then starts to fight the virus and they go eventually usually, sometimes taking a few years. Some people have an immune deficiency and they simply cannot fight the virus. One treatment which is occasionally used is Imiquimod - you could ask your Dermatologist about that. If you are using over the counter treatments as well you need to "file" the warts down as much as you can with either a nail file or pumice stone and then apply the wart treatment. This makes it more effective and they won't look so bad either.

Sher78 profile image

Agree with MaggieS, everybody always assumes whatever is wrong has got 2 have something 2 do with lupus or 1 of her bedfellows.

I know lupus can cause cysts (I've had a few myself) but never heard of it causing any other skin issues, other than rashes, pigmentation problems etc but u never know with lupus.

Keep us updated :)

Rhee profile image

Im a nurse by profession and they look awful. Much love to you all, will keep you updated. Thankyou X

anxious44 profile image

hello my daughter gets lumps and blisters on the joints of her fingers and toes and on her knees and elbows we have been told that it is to do with the lupus and her arthritis if that's any help.

Rhee profile image

Actually come to think of it they are on my joints too and bottom of toes and recently one on my eyelid. Is your daughter having any treatment for it? Or have they suggested anything that could help? Yes it does, thankyou kindly.

anxious44 profile image
anxious44 in reply to Rhee

hi rhee yes eyelids as well she takes a cocktail of drugs plaquanil, prednisolone, methylphenidate.n.can't get her off the steroids without flares. feel for you take care x

caz59 profile image

Yes, I have these flat warts, but only on my right hand, very strange, they are of varying sizes but 1 is growing bigger I have had them for years, also tried all treatments. I was told its steroids causing them by my GP many years ago and they aren't actually warts.

Rhee profile image
Rhee in reply to caz59

Have you ever tried laser treatment? Mine arent flat they are lumpy.

daisyd profile image

My answer didn't come out so short version

Mine were on my wrists frozen off by dermatologist

Advices to use Dermol 500

Take a look on google imagines

Ghogh77 profile image

Hi yes they could be what I can only describe as lupus warts and lumps my illness started like this and I was treated for warts on my hands for ages before a locum spotted it. Also

I've been taken off azaithoprine due to it causes lumpy wart looking things apparently a common side effect I've been told. Hopefully without these tablets the episodes will reduce good luck.

Ps they could just be warts get them checked x

Heatheric profile image

Yes I do - a couple on the backs of my hands and the others on the sole of my feet (not associated with my joints) - I'm only on Plaquenil and I had them before I started taking that. I have used Bazooka but alothough I used it for ages it didn't seem to do anything. Now I just keep an eye on them assuming that they will just go. Of course you could try some of the old remedies such as rubbing them with a potato and then burying it in the garden!! lol

sollyn profile image

I have them and presumed it was the drugs or the Raynauds causing them. Bizarre really, but I figure they are the least troublesome thing on me so haven't really taken any time to investigate, but thinking about it I have had them for years now.I figure if it doesn't hurt I don't let it bother me!

I would be curious to know what they are though. Thanks for posting.

Rhee profile image

Hi all thanks so much for the replies. I am a nurse by profession and when im doing things like blood tests it doesnt look v.nice at all! Lol. Tried many treatments apart from laser. My dermatologist is going to refer me so im hoping they will accept me for this and keeping my fingers crossed that it works. Thanks so much all your replies are giving me positive reinforcement. I will keep you all updated X

Sher78 profile image

u learn something new everyday!

beckybooboo profile image

you do learn something new everyday I have had flat warts on the back of my hands for about 2 years now, my gp thought it was viral and that after about 6 months would disappear but they haven't - just goes to show that Lupus has so many side effects with so many twists and turns. I think we all should try to remain open minded with symptons and Lupus cos the various effects on everyone is sooooo very individual.

Keep fighting xxxxxxxxxxxx

Rhee profile image

I will keep fighting, thankyou for all the support everyone X

CMac13 profile image

Hi there Rhee, no- u're definitely not a hypochondriac! I've pretty severe Lupus, which affects so many aspects, the Consultants are always at a bit of a loss. In reference to your question re lumps related to Lupus, I've a lot of skin involvement (5 different types of rashes- sounds made up, I kno!). But I started getting several lumps, which can go up & down a bit, a couple of years ago. Now I have dozens- some v small & flatter, some really noticeable. I've stopped worrying about my appearance, thanks to the effects of steroids for 11 years, :( but I now have them v prominently on my forehead & chest (plus hands, arms & lower limbs.) I hate them! But I know they're not dangerous.

Apparently the Dermatologist/ Rheumy thinks it is partly due to all the immunosuppressants, but these are essential. I use quite a variety of creams for skin, but I also have vasculitis which has led to skin ulcers, so this takes priority. I must experiment & see if any of the steroidal creams help. (u def wouldn't use this on warts). Will let u know if I find a solution, just been busy 'fire-fighting' the other major aspects of our lovely disease..! :)

Sorry for such a long winded answer, I hope I haven't made this problem more worrisome.

Take care C ??

vonnyrad profile image

I have been on steroids and Azathioprine for 30 years and Cyclosporin (anti- rejection)for 25 years, after a kidney transplant, and I am a mass of warty type things of all shapes, sizes and shades, lost count of how many times I;ve had bits of me frozen or cut off! They can get very itchy, sometimes they go crusty and bleed, which is the point at which I think they've got to go!It's the immuno-suppressant effect of the drugs, makes your skin less resistant to sunlight, the natural protection of melanin is suppressed along with everything else.If you take any of these kind of drugs then this will affect your skin.I had age spots like a 70 year old by the time I was 30, my skin is generally pretty bad for my age, most infuriating as all my relatives have young-looking Mediterranean type skin with not a wrinkle, I have more lines than my 80 year old auntie - just one of the many joys of this 'interesting' disease!I'm quite fortunate in that I am able to attend a special dermatology clinic just for transplant patients so can be treated quickly if anything looks suspicious..I would be wary of steroid creams if you are already taking steroids orally due to skin-thinning effect.By the way, I'm sure no-one else really notices your hands in the way you think, although I know it's hard not to be self-conscious x

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