Hi all. Sorry to be graphic but does anyone have stomach upset as a part of their lupus? Since I've been diagnosed I've had problems with almost ibs type symptoms and wondering if it's lupus or something else. X
Stomach problems: Hi all. Sorry to be graphic but... - LUPUS UK
Stomach problems

Hi jennywren
Unfortunately this seems to be a common problem with lupus. If you put ibs into the search box on this page you can read my post, & many others on this subject.
Like me, most people never get a formal diagnosis of their stomach problems, & find ways of easing the symptoms through dietary changes. Some medications can make things worse, but it can be hard to tell unless you notice an obvious link.
There are over lapping auto-immune conditions that can effect the bowel. So if your symptoms are worsening, you will need investigations to rule this out.
I hope this helps. Many other responses will be forth coming, I'm sure. X
Hi Jenny wren, yes I have to agree have loads of stomach problems, I think it might be the steroids, but I read somewhere that a large percentage of your immune system is in your gut - so I figured as it is the immune system that is malfunctioning in us lupies there is probably a connection. I dropped my intake of milk recently and this seemed to help a little so maybe looking at the diet might help.
Unfortunately I don't think there is a quick answer to this question it will be trial and error. A friend showed me an article that modern foods are quite acidic and the body prefers an alkaline state u can change your diet and or take supplements so I might try this next.
Yes unfortunately, I had horrendous IBS. I have given up wheat and use lactose free milk.
If you are on Quinoric that might be an added cause. It caused me horrendous trots until l was put back on Plaquenil. Sjogrens is also a suspect.
I get it where Lupus will suddenly make me intollerant to things and that could be medication (even if I have been on them for years), food, etc.
With me it causes severe diarrhea. I can no longer take Arthrotec which I had been on for about 6 years, I can't take any of the usual Malaria tablets which they prescribe for Lupus, I get bouts where I get intolerant to lactose and I can never have more than a splash of milk in coffee.
These bouts can come on suddenly and last for months unless I can find what I have become intolerant to.
I have IBS,Doc recomended probiotic pills,as I hated the drinks, after a week symptoms improved, and better than I ever expected,, its worth a try, good luck.
Have started having problems in this area in the last 12 months & considering I've had a positive diagnosis 4 19 years now I guess I'm a bit of a late bloomer.
Had my colon & most of my ileum removed 19 years ago so with this in consideration, I shouldn't have problems with constipation but let me tell u, there r times when I have 2 take laxatives otherwise I feel like I'm about 2 explode & look 6 months pregnant! Rheumy will not refer me 4 allergy/intolerance testing (he's a bit of an arse at times) & I can't afford 2 have it done privately & by process of elimination, can't seem 2 find specific things that set me off, sometimes I can b fine with something but other times it causes major problems but yes, in short, there IS a link with AI conditions & digestive problems.
Digestive problems were one of the main problems for me. So much so that I lost 4 stone in weight. I found the conventional system totally useless in helping. I discovered that the best way is to avoid all grains and dairy foods and rotate my food. This way the over reactive immune system doesn't catch up with what I'm eating. It's not easy but I do my best to eat only when hungry and to stop before becoming over full because that seems to be when the problems start again. Little and often I find is best and I don't eat meals as such.
I can't take probiotics or yogurt, but I do find bananas help me.
We all need to find what is best for us.
My GP wouldn't refer me for allergy testing, but substantiated by stating that the NHS is not very good when it comes to diagnosing allergies. He suggested I got a kit from Higher Nature, about £40, but didn't fancy pricking myself and taking blood.
Will plod on with my self help.
IBS symptoms were my main bug bear for the last 7 years until my recent flare. Had lots of investigations for endo, crohns etc but all clear. Docs can't believe their eyes when I show them pictures of my distended stomach i look 9 months pregnant. I don't have much dairy any more and particularly no milk, I also find that gentle exercise helps as well as drinking lots of water and stopping eating when u feel full. I tried buscupan tablets etc but nothing ever worked so have just adjusted my lifestyle to suit. Still get big tummy sometimes but not as often thankfully x
I seem to have lots of tummy issues...i get the runs right out of the blue, at least every couple weeks...it can go the other way too...Im careful to take my hydroxy with food or milk...I was over medicated on thyroid meds, so maybe its from that..i dont really know...Then there is post menopause, and hormones ebb and flowing Im sure...Nothing like being in a line up, and praying you make it without an accident...
Yes yes yes! Horrible. Always feeling sick and have the runs a lot! And loads of gas! Sorry to be graphic.