Hi everyone,
This is my first time posting, however, I have been lurking for several weeks now. I am from the US so I hope it's okay that I do post here. I've been through several lupus forums but this is one is my absolute favorite!
Now, to get into it, I haven't had an official lupus diagnosis yet (struggling with lack of medical insurance & funds at the moment) but from what I have heard from my GP & a number of other doctors, it seems that between my years of symptoms and family history, my issue is most likely SLE. I'm hoping to get it properly sorted soon so I can finally get some kind of treatment; as of right now, I am basically on my own.
That being said, I was looking for a little insight from you wonderful people. I have been struggling with a great deal of pain and exhaustion, day in and day out. Some days it's better, but most days it's worse. With my constant fatigue, discomfort, and pain, comes pretty bad irritability. I find myself being in a generally bad mood all the time and I snap at those around me. I try to tell them I'm sorry and that I'm in pain and I'm exhausted, but still, they don't seem to understand and end up feeling pushed away by me. I feel just awful about this.
Do any of you suffer from irritability and general moodiness due to feeling unwell? If so, how do you deal with it?
I'm just at the end of my rope with it and I'm beginning to wonder if I'm the only one with this problem. I feel like it makes sense that I'm moody because I'm uncomfortable all day, every day, but by the way some of my loved ones react to this, I'm starting to wonder if it's just a me problem and not a being sick problem. Any insight that you guys could offer would mean a great deal to me. I feel so alone in this sometime and worry that I am just going crazy!