Can anybody help me, I'm I've had 3 miscarriages in a year all blighted ovums. Has anybody with lupus experienced this? I'm convinced it's my medications but if somebody can give me advice I would really be really gratefull. I'm 34 and take plaquenal,azathioprin+steroid 5mg x
Has anybody had problems with miscarriages(all bl... - LUPUS UK
Has anybody had problems with miscarriages(all blighted ovums)

I had four miscarriages before my successful pregnancy with my daughter. She is now 28 years old and when I was suffering my miscarriages 30 years ago, no one really knew about Lupus or Hughes, but now they think this is what caused my miscarriages.
Lots of people have gone on to have successful pregnancies, so dont lose hope. As long as your Obstetrician talked to your Rheumy doc, you should be able to have a successful pregnancy.
Good luck hun
Thank you for answering to me, it must of been awfull for you when you suffered your miscarriages.especially when nobody knew about your lupus.This does Give me hope That maybe it will happen save me going through it again I'm going to get as many tests as possible to see if there's any answere's 1st.
Thanks again
i suffered three miscarriages from 2008-2010, then i was diagnosed as in the early menopause, which is something that lupus can cause.
I had 2 daughters now aged 24 and 23 then suffered 7 unexplained miscarraige, which is now probably thought of as lupus related as all early (less than 12 weeks) I did go on to have a further daughter who is now 14. It is worth asking your rhemy or gp if you can have the 2 blood tests for hughes sydrome as this carries a very common miscarraige issue. Good luck to you and hope all goes well x x
Hi I have had blighted ovums & 1st trimester miscarriages,11 actually. Can't be meds cause I only started taking plaquenil a year ago. I do have 2 boys 12 & 3. I do get very sick when pregnant & with my last son I had a consultant for multiple miscarriages. He found "thyroid antibodies" in my blood. Which apparently causes miscarriages etc. Caused by lupus no doubt.
Thank you for all your answers they really help and give me some hope. I will get some tests and see what happens. Thanks again x
I wont say i have had many miscarriages this is my first actually doctors said its blighted ovum and its cause of my lupus i do have discoid lupus (DLE) so i dont knw if it all causes the same as the SLE so am scheduled for an abortion very sad experience i have just joined this platform and am hoping to always come here for support and blessings to all you mothers i wonder how the rest of the mothers were able to have successful pregnancies at some point your advise will really help me alot