hi, i was told i had a lupus attack when i was 33, i had a couple of strokes and 1 was quite bad, i then had another where i was in intensive care and my family came to say goodbye, ive had plueracy ect ect, these were the times a SLE attack were comfirmed, i only see a heamatolagist because i am on warfarin, he has done blood tests that have come back negative, 3 times, i am in pain very often, espacially in my hips and knees but also my left hand, was told i dont have artherisis, my heamatolagist said he was going to send me to the lupus centre but has now changed hes mind due to results, he said i have the symptoms but they were expensive blood test and showed negative results, where do i go from here? i am so confused. i also have a 4 year old who wants to do things with me but i find him so tiring. i feel i need some help, but where do i go?
sorry first time on here and iv'e gone on a bit