Just writing the title has made me cry. My best friend (we've know each other for forty years) has cancer and is failing. Three years ago when her husband died she was diagnosed with bowel cancer and had to put off her bowel operation for four weeks whilst she buried him. She is on her 14th course of kimo for god's sake, during this time she has been of good spirits, we have travelled to USA on three occasions, I have tried to plan the next holiday in advance to give her something to look forward to and we live at the opposite ends of the country, she in London, me in Scotland. Now she feels so ill she won't even go out and I need to go to see her. Flying is not an option (it's two hours drive to my nearest airport and two hours drive to her from the nearest airport so may as well drive for eight hours anyway). This infernal Lupus has temporarily made the drive, if not impossible, then extremely painful, so after the routine bloodtest next week it's me and the M6. Wish me luck folks, steer clear off the M6 at night, I'll be on it with wings!!
You know the phrase, there's always someone out there worse than you, everytime she sticks 24 pills a day down her throat when on kimo that's what she tells herself! Oh for the strength!!