Hey there,
I was hoping someone may be able to give me some advice or at least let me know if they have also suffered from the same symptoms that i describe below:
I am getting used to recognising my lupus flares and have recently started mycophenolate and have been steadily increasing the dose, after my bloods have been checked. I also take 15 mg pred and placquenil. I have also had an infection and am on an antibiotic which i finish tomorrow. I also have cryoglobulinemia vasculitis. Last night i wasn't feeling right and my boyfriend commented that all the colour had gone from my face, i was grey. I felt awful, couoldn't stand without dizzy, felt dazed and confused, tried to wash hands in bathroom by picking up toilet roll instead of the hand liquid, everything seems much harder to do. Had terrible headache, neck pain (i get evening neck pain anyway when muscles are tired from weight of my head i think), had much more weakness than i have had previously and just didn't feel right. Also eye pain. I went to bed but felt so weak. Today i am the same, tried a phone call to my brother but struggled to make sense of the conversation and follow what we were saying and slurry then the head pain and some tingling in my tongue started and numbness, like when you go to the dentist and they numb everything, which transferred down to the left side of my face. Temperature is normal, really concentrating here to write as quite woozy but feel most peculiar. if anyone can please give me some advice that would be much appreciated. If i get worse i will go to the hospital.
Thank you