Flare ups and/ sensitivity to light noise - LUPUS UK


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Flare ups and/ sensitivity to light noise

mstr profile image
20 Replies

Hi, I am having a flare up of symptoms at the moment and have noticed that I am very sensitive to blackground noise. It is though the noise seems to be magnified during a flare up. It is also the same with light and I have to keep turning the dimmer switches down because it is hurting my eyes. Does anyone else have this or have an inkling why this happens?

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mstr profile image
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20 Replies
jennyhe profile image

Hi mstr, yes I get sensative to noise if I am flaring always asking Hubby to turn the tv down although it isn`t so loud!! I am also more sensative to touch I keep Parrots and if I am in a flare I am so much more aware of them when they sit on my shoulder or my hand if that makes any sense the bright lights I cant tolarate hope this helps

flutterby profile image

Hi, I experience this too and find it quite difficult to manage, especially in environments I can't control. I think of it as my senses being amplified, like Jenny I also find I am sensitive to touch and that it goes along with smelling things and my sense of taste being out of wack a well. Hope things settle down soon x

mstr profile image

Ah, good to know that I am not alone in this. My daugher was scaping a bowl of yoghurt with a spoon and it just sounded sooooo loud when I knew it wasn't really. It's the same if there is a lot of stimuli going on I feel overwhelmed as it all seems so loud. I know it is only when in a flare up that I have these symptoms. I'm guessing there will be some logical reason for why this occurs. It is as thought our senses are heightened but I am intrigued to find out why. Jenny I am constantly asking for the TV to be turned down too. Feel I am dealing with this flare better than before even though as I must be getting used to the pattern they take. Thanks for your responses x

loopy-lou profile image

I am the same too. I thought it was just me getting older! I find that I cannot tolerate noise or a situation with too much movement as I end up feeling dizzy from it. I seem to be in a continual flare. I too wonder why this happens?

mstr profile image

It's a nuisance for sure loopy-lou, Hope we find out soon.

Melinda profile image

I can't tolerate loud noises or bright lights. Years ago, long before i had lupus, i hated the sun coming through our living room windows in the afternoons. I used to draw the curtains and my family would complain that it was too dim. I now realise i was sensetive to light, even back then.

purple-lou profile image

I would love to know why this happens.

I thought it was just me! I know I'm having a bad flare when I can't bear any noise. Even the sound of my girls laughter is hard to bear at times. That sounds awful, but it's true.

Also, I can't deal with touch. My hair hurts! Strange but true. My skin is ultra sensitive.

It is good to know I'm not alone.

Louise xx

purple-lou profile image

I would love to know why this happens.

I thought it was just me! I know I'm having a bad flare when I can't bear any noise. Even the sound of my girls laughter is hard to bear at times. That sounds awful, but it's true.

Also, I can't deal with touch. My hair hurts! Strange but true. My skin is ultra sensitive.

It is good to know I'm not alone.

Louise xx

mstr profile image

Hi Louise,

So glad I asked this now as it's good to know we are not alone. Perhaps it is an immune condition all on it own lol x

loopy-lou profile image
loopy-lou in reply to mstr

Just wondering if any of you have fibro too? I would like to know if it is lupus - fibro or both?

mstr profile image
mstr in reply to loopy-lou

Hi Louise, I was told I had fibromyalgia by my GP too but we have never discussed it really. Still just got the UCTD diagnosis at the mo though.

kittymeister profile image
kittymeister in reply to loopy-lou

Hi I also suffer from lupus and fibro, These hypersensitivity symptoms are very familiar to me, I am having a flare at the moment and can't even bare my cats sitting on my lap I am also need to be in dim light and the neighbors kids are driving me mad let alone the police sirens. Sorry for the rant , hope this helps.

Nanuuk profile image

I have this problem every morning, everyone and everything is just TOO LOUD! It lasts several hours & if Im honest it strains family life.

Bebe76 profile image

Yes, I have this problem too! I thought it had something to do with lupus but never knew until now if anyone else had experienced this!

Melinda profile image

I nearly passed out in an indian restaurant once. I was sitting under a bright light and suddenly felt ill. I had to go outside. After awhile i felt better. My family stiil believe i had too much to drink.

mstr profile image

Well it's reassurring to hear others have the same dilemma. Indoor shopping malls/centres also are not good for me or M&S cafe's as I always have to think about the lights in there. Oh well on the plus side it will be less shopping and more walking (when possible) in natural environments x

brave profile image

OMG!!!can i just say.......its so good to hear im not alone ,one of my biggest symptoms with lupus is hypersensitivty,it drives me nuts!even as i use the computer i get tingling through my body ,ive had this hyper for years ,before lupus was diagnosed,i find situations so unbearable ,i also to find like loupy lou,im in a permenant flare ,with very breif respites ,this weekend my daughter is in a three day swim competition ,and im having to deal with noise ,people ,and heat and also looking after extra family members ,is so exhausting ,and only worsens my symptoms ,but unless i lock myself away and get labelled a grumpy so and so (which im sure i have a right to be) its impossible to avoid ,for me im really struggling with my lymph glands there so tender and get caught on my jaw bone ,they have been up since feb ,and doc/consultant not botherd ,however i am ,cos they hurt!any one else suffer this??keep well guys brave .

mstr profile image

Brave, a good point with the permanent flare ups. I think you get so used to living with a permanent flare up that we tend to not call them that and the highly symptomatic flare ups we label as a flare. In truth it all just seems to merge into one and I think it's often a case of just trying to ignore what hurts/aches or having to make yourself think "just relax" and it may not feel so bad. I hope that your lymph glands situation eases up or you get a referral for it to be checked out soon. Thanks for your reply x

krisdy profile image

Yes, My ears are very sensitive to noise. They told me it is because Lupus has affected my central nervous system. and they just said to deal with it! love, Krisdy

mstr profile image

Ah that's interesting to know .......and I guess we are used to just 'dealing with it' as we are a resilient lot x

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