Sister refusing to take tablets: My sister is 1... - LUPUS UK


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Sister refusing to take tablets

AshleighKieraSimpsn profile image

My sister is 11 years old and has just recently been diagnosed with Lupus. She pushes and pushes not to take her tablets and I would just like it if some suffers posted to me explaining to my sister why it is so important for her to take her tablets on a daily basis and explain the consequences of not taking them. Thanks

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AshleighKieraSimpsn profile image
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14 Replies
charls profile image

Lupus is not nice! But I've had it for a long time and had some very awful things! Taking the tablets are so healful with pain and to not really have to worry about having lupus! It's difficult to have.. But I think us great people have it!

lupus isn't bad as long as we take our tablets!!

Hello Ashleigh, I feel I need to know more, here. What are the tablets she is being asked to take - and why is she resisting? To help your sister, we maybe need to understand what is going on with her.

Some of the pills that are prescribed for lupus are pretty vile in the side effects and there is no noticeable instant benefit. Worst - even when we feel well and are not in a flare, we are supposed to go on taking the pills that make us feel unwell.

Can you tell us what she is supposed to take? That might really help us to help her.

jennyhe profile image

Hi Ashleigh, I agree with MaggieS on this one some of the meds for Lupus are not nice and some take weeks to start working, this may be why your Sister is reluctant to take them, I guess all of us at some time have gopt fed up with all the meds but I can only say to your lovely Sister who is propably still trying to come to terms with having Lupus you do need the meds so why not give them a try, and please come and talk to us here we all do understand x

Thaddeus profile image

Hello Ashleigh

I have taken Hydroxy for near on 10 years and it has been a life saver, without it I am in consstant pain, I am crampy and my hands are not as useful as they might be. To be honest with it I am a bit of mizzog.

In short this stuff has given me my hands back, and lets face it, there arent many things in life you can do without hands. Without hands I can't draw, I can't write, or even play with my dog Linus,

Without hands I cannot juggle - I am really rather good at juggling, but I had to stop as it hurt too much.

I couldnt ever bake bread or make my favourite home made pizza with tuna and pinnapple.

Sadly, I still cannot play the piano, -but that it because I couldnt anyway.

With my meds I am a lot happier, so I take them.

in reply to Thaddeus

Pineapple tuna pizza..... really! Medication tastes better than that mix! Give me four cheese pizza every day of the week 😜

IMillar profile image

people don't take tablets for lots of reasons and young people seem to find it particularly difficult as it is likely she won't know many of her age who do and it isn't cool. Maybe she feels things are out of her control. It may help if she knows what she takes and why. It is amazing the number of people who take " a red pill, two small white pills and a biggish one".

So know the names i.e Prednisolone, it is a steroid. I take ... amount because it dampens down the lupus. It must not be stopped suddenly.

I am guessing she doesn't want to take the pills because they are a daily reminder of what she has and as jennyhe says still coming to terms with it. I totally remember what that felt like. Good luck.

largesse profile image

My daughter was 19 when diagnosed. The tablets made her feel human again ( steroids. hydroxy, mycophenolate mofetil) and gave her the energy needed to carry on. If your sister doesn't take them tell her that eventually she will get so ill that she will end up in hospital. It may sound cruel but it is true! Good luck and best wishes to your sister :)

ellie53 profile image

i know how your sister feels many a time ive wanted to jack it all in until my cousin who fortunately for me is a nurse told me if i didnt take them all my organs would start to close down- as the tablets are doing all the work for the body - the thought of not being able to get up and maybe ending up in a wheelchair needing 24/7 care knocked that idea out of my head

personally i would tell her what does want - out with friends ---so so important at her age - or staying indoors 24/7 and not fit to go out

let me know how you get on -when you feel well - you think what am i taking them for - give her a bit of space - hard for me to take in - god only knows what shes going through or thinking needs time to come to terms with this

hope this of some help

Shann07 profile image

Hi Ashleigh, be honest with your sister advise her that if she dosent take her meds she WILL eventually get ill and end up in hospital. Drs only give us this meds because we really need them even when we are feeling well. Sometimes you need to be harsh and firm with young people who we love because you want her to stay healthy and avoid getting sick. I spent 5 weeks in hospital before starting hydroxy & its only now i feel alive after years of extreme pain! Good luck x

Thaddeus profile image

....Also Hydroxychloroquine tastes so bitter, it makes earwax seem sweet by comparison.

bearlw profile image

Hi Ashleigh,

Can you help tell why she doesn't want to take the tablets? Then we may think of some solutions.

Thanks for all the advice so far everyone. My sister sat down with me last night and read them all. There is no specific reason why she will not take her tablets, she is just not taking them as she should. I think it may be the idea of swallowing the tablet she does not like so if anyone has any tips on how to take tablets in the nicest way possible it would be much appreciated. Thanks again everyone

Thaddeus profile image

The nicest way to take your meds is QUICKLY.

I get the meds readyy in one hand, a glass of water or juice in the other, then pop one or two one the middle of the tongue quick glug of water and gulp. Repeat as required.

And then maybe a square of the best chocolate as a reward.

Paul_Howard profile image
Paul_HowardPartnerLUPUS UK

I've heard that having some fizzy drink can help make swallowing tablets easier because of the bubbles.

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