Off for my referral tomorrow to see Prof Hunt. It's the first time I've ever been excited about going to hospital!! Just hope I get some answers from her about my recent problems.
St Thomas's: Off for my referral tomorrow to see... - LUPUS UK
St Thomas's

Good luck
Good luck...let us know how you get on.
How did your appointment go? I have an appt with him next month so any advice would be much appreciated. I hope it all went well for you x x
Hi. Prof Hunt is a woman. I saw her 20 years ago and she remembered me! It was good to be given answers rather than the usual I'm not sure'. If its your first time going you will have bloods done after the consultation and could be there a couple of hours. She wants me to go up again at end of Oct and although it is a long way from Plymouth I will definitely go as she may have more answers!
Aww sorry that was me not reading your blog properly I thought it read prog hughes as that's who I will be seeing. I seem to find that the nhs consultants here in pembrokeshire don't seem to know anything about the complications lupus can cause, so fingers crossed prof hughes will be of help as I have inflammation on my brain and heart problems which my consultants here tell me can not be caused by lupus even though any lupus site online tell you these can be complications just happen rarely. I should have been going today to see him but live over in pembrokeshire 350 mile away from st thomass' and not well enough to travel bcos of heart problems so have cardio tests/appts locally this week instead. Then fingers crossed I will be well enough for next month. Hopefully you will get your answers and some proper care also. Take care x x