Do others find they've gained weight with LUPUS? - LUPUS UK


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Do others find they've gained weight with LUPUS?

Chicklette profile image
16 Replies
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Chicklette profile image
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16 Replies
Sue2803 profile image

I too have gained a lot of weight but dont think its the Lupus diagnosis but the medications you have to take.

Clairebear profile image

My weight goes up and down. Think it's more down to the medication that your on but if you can eat a well balanced diet that should help control your weight.

MandieR profile image

I have also put on a fair bit of weight since my diagnosis 12yrs ago, maybe 3 or 4 stone!!

I definately think that our meds have a lot to do with it, and for me a drastic lack of excercise

it is just another thing for us lupies to deal with x

Lulabelle profile image

yes, but caused by the med's especially if you are on steroids! I put on 2 stone initially and within 12 months after my med's were reduced from 60mg to 5mg per day managed to lose just over a stone. I am still on 5mg steroids but need to lose a further 10 - 11 lb before I am back to my normal weight. sensible eating and light exercise helps - but only when you are not too fatigued.

Lulabelle x

annie330 profile image

In the past I've noticed that I have lost weight around 7 to 10lbs before a TIA but lately the weight has started to creep up on me. Not sure if the low dose steroids are having an impact but I think that a lot of it may be down to being tired all the time that I don't exercise anymore. I used to do quite a bit but now I can't even face a little walk. We are going on holiday in 4 weeks and I would love to lose a bit before then but when I try to cut back on food I find I end up having lots of Hypos (insulin dependant diabetic too!).

If anyone has a miraculous answer please share but I guess all we can do is watch what we eat and try to exercise when we feel able to.

Nanuuk profile image

I was 8st 4lb when I was diagnosed & it crept up to 10st in 10yrs. Then I had a CVA stroke, gained 5st a month for 2mts!! I lose some, have another flare/ stroke & gain again. I eat healthy, treat myself too, but I eat healthy. The issue I have is either not eating ENOUGH apparently, also long periods of having bed rest. Oh and not forgetting my medication

ellie53 profile image

i must agree the same is happening to me - i managed to lose a stone only tp put it all back on again . i have stayed at my uincrease in weight for over three years - was diagnosed 4years ago - pity i didnt know about this site couldnt get info anywhere . went to sw - they had the cheek to tell me meds dont put on weight -would love to see them on 20tabs a day including steriods and say that . i find the weight thin so frustrating

sw say im not eating enough of the rite foods - if i can eat two meals a day im luckyi also know my downfall is a sweet tooth - if i cut theses out - i go on a binge - so what am i do

wendymd profile image

I too suffer with my weight going up and down, usually in line with the levels of steroids I'm on, but have noticed that once they are under 10mg daily I have a fighting chance of losing some of it. I am off to see the consultant on Monday and am going to ask her about my weight and if it has anything to do with a hormone imbalance, my only fear being that if the hormone imbalance is addressed will it cause a flare??? Still I can only ask. I don't know if this will be useful but the GPs in my area can make referrals for you to weight watchers so you don't have to pay a joining fee or weekly subscriptions, although not sure what the criteria is.

goldengirl101 profile image

I have put on a lot of weight since my dx 14 yrs ago. I think a lot of it is because of the meds .... but what hasn't helped me is that I have had 2 major strokes & 5 mini strokes! I am now in a wheelchair which I have been in about 5 yrs now! I cannot do any exercises which really bothers me as I always used to exercise & I enjoyed it too! Everyday I did some form of exercise, & went to class's with my friend! We would go swimming too, which I loved to do. Just wish I could do that again! I know my diet is ok as I have read evey kind of diet going, & some lol.

Chicklette profile image

Ah thanks for replies. I feel that I'm not suffering as much as the rest of you, so now feel bad for moaning! I wish you all well, and am grateful for your replies and support. x

loopy-lou profile image

I definitely put on weight when the steroid dose goes up. I managed to lose 3 stone when my steroid dose was lowered to 2.5 but have put it all back on when it when higher again. Very interested to hear that GPs can refer to weight watchers Wendymd. I have found weight watchers very good in the past pre lupus. Lost 5 stone but that has gone back on. Am going to ask my GP about referral.

sollyn profile image

I have been on 7.5mg of steroids for 10 years and my weight crept up. I joined MyFITNESSPAL.COM just after xmas and have managed to lose 23lb with just regular, small chunks of exercise and healthy eating. I feel so much better for doing it! I am hoping to start tackling the steroids, but am afraid to tip the balance as I am so under control at the moment. I hope this gives you hope that it is possible. The best exercises I have found are Stretching yoga (Hatha) walking and swimming in a warm pool. (I have to use a noodle float for this as I dont have the stamina to swim a length and stay above water!) I could only do 5 mins when I started, but now I can do 15mins till I need rest! This has taken 6 months to achieve, but definitely worth the effort.

Maureenpearl profile image

I too have put on weight when I first went on steroids in 2007, I went up one dress size. I started to cut down on the amount I was eating as soon as the steroids were been reduced. I find that they cause me to have an increased appetite.

I went to weight watchers in 2010 as the steroids were once again increased to 20mg and I the weight went on again. I did loose weight but it was very difficult and hard to do as all I wanted to do was just eat.

Last year I was on 20mg of Steroids and was given an extra dose via an infusion once a month the day before I was given Cyclophosphamide so my weight just went to nearly a size and a half.

In January I decided it will have to come off as I just did not recognise myself in the mirror (I also had the typical moon shaped face). I use the diet chef meals and along with going back to the toning tables and I am back to size 12 again. I have also decided not to give away my size 14 clothes as I know that I might have to have the steroid increase again (i am now on 10mg) I have SLE along with organ damage (pulmonary fibrosis).

NatashaW profile image

I have gained a lot of weight since my diagnosis but I believe its the inability to exercise along with the meds. Its another frustration that goes along with Lupus unfortunately.

baaramewe profile image

The weight gain is probably one of the worst things about Lupus, for me anyway. I have put on weight in half stone chunks over a period of 20 years until I now weigh nearly 18 stone. I have no control over it and it doesn't seem to matter what I eat, I just can't lose any. I hate the sight of myself in the mirror and have lost a lot of self esteem as other people just think I am lazy and fat.

I think this is just another area of my illness that I can't control along with the fibromyalgia, migraines, joint pains, extreme fatigue, IBS etc etc

Kirsty2510 profile image

Yes. Same as the ladies above. It fluctuates. It always overweight and a combination of meds, less exercise, poor sleep pattern and snacking . Also not helped by hysterectomy a few years ago.

Gone from size 10-12 to 14-16- 2 dress sizes basically but Weight Watchers really helping with gentle swimming.

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