I have POTs syndrome, pernicious aneamia, and what has so far been referred to as Post Viral Syndrome. I have had this phase of illness for about 3-4 years now and am not improving. I asked my GP for a referral and he carried out some more tests, including ESR. I am 41 years old and my ESR has remained at about 49 for around 2 months. My GP (not to criticise, he is a good Dr) does not seem to know what to do next and it has been left that he is phoning haematology for some advice. I am not trying to talk myself into an illness which has not yet been diagnosed but wonder if this forum thinks the brief profile might suggest lupus? I do not have a rash unless I go out on the sun in which case exposed skin is plastered in blister-like raised, angry rash which can take months to completely disappear. Comments/advice to take back to my GP would be appreciated.
Kind regards