HI Guys
I wonder if you could help, I was diagnosed in November with Lupus SLE and I think I am having my first Flare... I am on PLaquenil (400mg a day). For the last week or so I have felt so tired and wanted to sleep all of the time again and my body does not want to work properly, it hurts all over (joint pain).... Which is such a pain as I have had nothing since November. I have been promoted at work and I wonder if this has anything to do with it. My question is does anybody have any ideas as to how long a Flare may last? Also if there is anything I can take to help, I have cut down on my chores at home a bit (my poor hubby) but I really do need to be at work so cannot cut down on that. Also I have mentioned before about my body having a spotty rash all over my back which has now spread to my shoulders and chest... trouble is this rash is quite pussy too, so horrid - any ideas? I am seeing my rhuemy on June 1st which will be my second appointment but anything that may help in the meantime would be great.
Thanks all and I hope that you all have a good day!!!