I have had several medical episodes over recent years where the suspected cause has been autoimmunity. Each time I am screened and I have been referred to an rheumatologist in the past, and all of the blood tests come back negative. The only thing that has been found is immunodeficiency related to IgG, IgA, CD56, and inadequate response to a vaccine challenge. I meet research lab criteria for Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) diagnosis, but I am not diagnosed, as I am not currently having infections. CVID can have infectious or autoimmune manifestations, so having an autoimmune diagnosis might allow me to qualify for a solid CVID diagnosis and receive treatment of some kind. However, although I have autoimmune symptoms, I do not have lab results to support a diagnosis of an autoimmune disease.
I am wondering if immunodeficiency can cause false negative antibody test results, and if anyone here who has gotten diagnosed with negative labs could share how the process went for them. I see an immunologist, and I will be asking this question at my next appointment, but I want to know if there are others like me. I just want to feel better and have hope that a pathway to receiving treatment exists.